Chapter 2: on our way

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Lexi's pov:
I woke up by Cameron slamming my door I get up and open the door and Cameron slaps my face.
"Um OW" I say "sorry Lexi" Cameron says.
He picks me up "okay get ready" he says.
"Alright" i say I go into the bathroom and get ready.
"LEXI READY" Cameron shouts "yeah" I shout back.
I take my apple computer and then I get into the car and drive to the girls houses.
When we pick them up for some reason we had similar outfits on it was weird we listen to Shawn on the way and we got there.

"Alright girls let's go" Cameron says "hey" Olivia says "what" I say "your brother is fine but Hayes he's hotter then fine" she says "okay" I say laughing

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"Alright girls let's go" Cameron says "hey" Olivia says "what" I say "your brother is fine but Hayes he's hotter then fine" she says "okay" I say laughing.
We go thru security and all that and we get to Floridas airport.
It was about 3pm I think we got to the front of the airport.
I saw a guy with a bandana and I knew who it was.
"TAYLER" I yell and run up to him and jump on him giving him a hug.
"Zayum I wish I can jump on a magcon boy like that" Caroline says "right" Olivia says.
"Hey kiddo" tayler says hugging me "I missed you" I say.
"Me too" he says looking at me and smiling.
"Cameron my boy" he says "taylerrrr" he says and he does this weird handshake with him.
We get into the car and drive to our hotel.
We were staying at we arrived at the hotel we checked in and got into our rooms.
"Woah" all of us say.
"Wait but there's 5 of us" I say "well why not push the beds together" Valerie says. We arrived and pushed them together and ordered room service it came and we enjoyed our  meal.

 We arrived and pushed them together and ordered room service it came and we enjoyed our  meal

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*knock knock* I open the door and see Aaron and carter.
"Aaron carter" I say hugging them "hey sugar" they say with a smile.
"Hey guys come meet them" I say "oh my gosh it's Aaron carpenter and carter Reynolds" Olivia says.
"Hi" they say "can we take a picture" I say "okay" they say they take the pic and leave.
Cam texted to get ready.
"Girls let's get ready for the event" I say.

I put my outfit on and I starighten my hair me and the girls leave

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I put my outfit on and I starighten my hair me and the girls leave.
"Hey cam" I say getting on his back while he's carrying me "hey baby sis hey girls" he says in a weird tone.
"Alright so we have a few guest alright now I want you to meet them" cam says. "Alright" I say.
"This is Daniel, Dylan, Hunter, Brandon, Blake, and Jacob" cam says.
"Oh hi I'm l-Lexi" I say "hey" they say.
The guy with he brother that was tall and his name was Hunter was hella hot but I kinda like that Jacob kid I like his hair and his face.w
"Lexi Lexi LEXI" Olivia says "oh sorry let's go" I say.
We get to the place and we see fans screaming and saying our names.
We got in and we started the events
I was really thirsty so I went to a vending machine somewhere around here.
I finally get to one and look In my pocket and get a dollar I get skittles and turn around and see the guy Hunter.
"Hey" he says "hi you scared" I say eating my skittles.
"Oh sorry" he says with a smile "so are you excited to go to San Francisco0" I say "yeah I can't wait to meet all my fans" he says.
"We'll see you later" I say "oh wait" he says.
"What" I say "can you come over to my room I wanna tell you something later" he says "sure" I say.
"Well that was awkward" I say "what" Valerie says "Hunter asked to meet at his room" I say "ohhhh he likes you" Caroline says.
I shrug and we go back to the event.
We finally got to meet the fans I hug all of them and I get posters.
After the event we go into the car I sit next to the guy name Jacob and Daniel.
I look at Daniel he smiles at me I look at Jacob he smiles back.
I smile back we get to our hotel room and I get ready to go to hunters room.
I put on my outfit

I go to his room I knock on his door he opens it "hey u needed me" I say he closes the door and we're outside

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I go to his room I knock on his door he opens it "hey u needed me" I say he closes the door and we're outside.
"I was wondering if u wanna go on a date" he says I had fireworks in my stomach "um s-sure I'd love too" I say.
"Well okay thanks bye" he says and kisses me on the cheek and goes in his room.
I turn around and see Cameron "hey what were you and Hunter doing" cam says "he just needed toothpaste gosh" I lied.
"Are you sure because I don't want them hitting on you" he says "Cameron Cameron Cameron I'd never lie to you" I say. "Okay well night" he says "night" I say and hug him.
As I was walking back to the room I bumped into someone.
"Oh my gosh I didn't know I was looking I'm so sorry" I say "no it's okay" the guy says.
I look up and see the Jacob guy.
"Hey I'm Jacob" he Says "Lexi" I say shaking his hand.
"What are you doing Friday night" he says "oh nothing why" I say "just wondering if you wanna hang out" I say "oh sure as freinds right" I say "right" he says with a smile.
"Alright 8" I say "yeah" he says "bye" I say he waves and leaves.
I run back to my room I open it and close and hide my back on the door.
"Are you okay" Caroline says eating something
"I think  I'm a player" I say.
Hey guys make sure to vote and comment and have an awesomeeeeeeee springgggggg breakkkk have a safe one and 1 more thing I'm going to Georgia on Sunday I'll update I think on Saturday and then on Sunday I'll work on chapters in the car and after that I'll publish them when I'm at my hotel so yeah happy readings!

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