Chapter 22: the ball

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Matthew's pov:
Lexi looked so beautiful in her dress I just wanted her to make mine.
We get to the place.
"May I have this dance" Lexi says bowing "um I think it's the other way around" I say.
"Cmon" she says I laugh.
"Alright Espinosa put your hand on my waist while I put my arms around your neck" she says in a British accent.
I laugh she laugh as well.
"1,2,3,4" she says as we move "excellent grasshopper" she says we laugh and we get something to drink.
Lexi's pov:
Me and Matthew were having a good time.
We went off to have drink.
Until someone pulled my hair "oww what the Jacob" I say.
"We're leaving now" I say "no leave me alone" I say trying to get out of his grip.
"Hey what are you doing get off her" Matthew says "what are you gonna do about it" Jacob says
"This" Matt says and punches Jacob.
We get out the place and go the hotel.
Since I was staying in matts room.
I borrowed his clothes we lay down and watch a movie.
As we were watching a movie matthew starts to kiss my neck.
"What are you doing" I say with a giggle.
"Just letting you enjoy your company" he says.
He looks at me.
"As saying you have the most beautiful eyes" I say "well thank you" he says he leans in and kissses me.
In my head I was thinking is this illegal, what if Cameron finds out im scared, but I like Matt he keeps me safe then Hunter and Jacob, I like him u have so many thoughts in my head saying stop but I couldn't.
There was a knock on the door.
I go open and see Cameron
"We have a problem" he says
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I can't wait to write the next one.
Why do I have so many cliff hangers in this story 😂 and sorry for short chapter the next one will be longer I'll probably update tonight or tommrow  because I'm working on it right now.
Love you guys

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