Chapter 21: Return of espinosa

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Lexi's pov:
I wake up by the sound of noises outside so why not wake up.
I get out bed and get in the shower.
After I took one I put on my outfit I put a messy bun not even bothering to put make up.

After I took one I put on my outfit I put a messy bun not even bothering to put make up

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I go down to the venue but there was no one there I sigh and go back upstairs.
I see cam "hey can I didn't see you in the venue why?" I questioned.
"Oh yeah there's a very bad storm so we cancelled" he says "oh okay" I say.
I go to my room and lay on my bed just going on Twitter and stuff.
"I'm bored" I whisper.
"Hey wanna play spin the bottle" cam says coming in the room.
"Sure" I say not evening caring.
We enter cams room I see Olivia, Aaron, tay, Jacob, Blake, Brandon, and Caroline.
"Hey guys" I say "hey lex" they say.
I sit between Brandon and Caroline.
And I'm across Jacob, Jacob smile at me I smile back.
We spin the bottle not even caring and it lands on Jacob oh shoot now I'm caring.
They spin the bottle again and land on Olivia.
Oh cruds!
They kiss and I just walk out the room like a crying whale of whales even cry.
I just cry and cry then I felt someone sit next to me I look and it was Jacob.
"Did you feel a connection" I say "what" he says "DID you feel a connection" I say "y-yes" he says.
"I'm done" I say and walk away.
"Cam I don't wanna stay in this hotel" I say "why not because of Jacob" he says "Cameron I can't deal with this nonsense that he does cam I'm done with him" I say.
"Alright okay I get it your having boy problems I totally get it" he says "you had a boyfriend" I say.
"No what I mean is that your going thru a phase where you just can't do it anymore" he says "mhmmmm" I say "well why don't you go to the lobby you'll find something lucky" he says not trying to laugh.
"okay" I say.
I go down to the lobby and just sit and play on my phone.
I post an Instagram pic just to set off my moods. I like some fan accounts edits and comment.
I watch vampire diaries for a while and stuff.
It's was 3 ugh this day is gonna get more boring.
I go put my phone back upstairs and go back down just to walk around the city.
As I look up I see Matthew.
"MATTHEW" I yell he looks at me and smiles.
I run up to him and hug him and cry in his shoulder.
"Hey hey why are you crying" he says "I just missed you so much and so much things have been going on I just did" I say.
He hugs.

(Here's a pic of Matt if you forgot what he look liked)

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(Here's a pic of Matt if you forgot what he look liked).
"So are you and Jacob a couple" he says "we were its just u think he has to many feelings" I say.
"Can I stay in your hotel room this week" I say "sure pumpkin" he says I smile.
Jacob's pov:
"Hey cam" I say "just go I don't wanna talk to you" he says.
"What's up with you" I say "your hurting my little sister if you don't stop what your doing making everything difficult you'll be next to go home" he says and leaves.
"Hey Olivia" I say "hey um I knew we kissed but I have a boyfriend I know it was dare but I don't like you that way so I think you shouldn't hurt Lexi again your acting like a douche"she says.
"Yeah I have been haven't I" he says.
"Yep oh plus Matt is back he's taking me and Lexi out for lunch" she says.
"Oh really" I say with a anger.
Olivia's pov:
"Hey Lexi are you okay" I say "yeah when you kissed Jacob you told me 8 times you didn't have a connection I believe you" Lexi said "really" I say "yeah" she says we hug.
"Aright lets go eat Espinosa" Olivia says "alright" he says getting his wallet.
Lexi's pov:
As me and Olivia and Matthew were eating we joking around and talking.
I get a text from Cameron saying that there's a ball going on right down the street of our hotel.
I reply back saying sure.
"Hey wanna go to a ball" I say "ohhh" Olivia says "I'm in it's good u brought my tux for special occasion" he said we laugh and finish the rest of our food.
"Let's get ready to go to the ball" I say falling on the hotel floor.
"Where's is your mother" Olivia says with a laugh.
"Sorry I ate to many sour patches extreme" I say.
"Alright let's get ready" she says I nod.
I put on my outfit and do my make- up

I put on my outfit and do my make- up

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"Are you ready Olivia" I say "yep you look beautiful I'm gonna go down to hayes if that's okay" she says "go have fun" I say with laugh she smiles

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"Are you ready Olivia" I say "yep you look beautiful I'm gonna go down to hayes if that's okay" she says "go have fun" I say with laugh she smiles.
I walk out and see Matthew in a tux he looks at me "y-you look beautiful" he says.
Make sure to press the star button and blakes girlfriend will be sangster1sartorius2 congrats and have an amazing day yall I'll try to update again!

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