Chapter 33: buh bye

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Lexi's pov:
After school I drop by Taco Bell because I know that cameron can't really cook.
I get my drink and taco and leave I get home and put my backpack on the couch and eat my taco.
There's a knock on the door "who could it be now" I say as I sip my drink and get up to answer the door.
"hey Lexi" my sister Sierra says "hey Sierra" she says. "Hey skylar" I say "hey Lexi" she says.
"Is Cameron here" Sierra says "no he went out" I say. "I'm going out for a few hours would you mind taking care of Lexi" she says.
"Yeah sure" I say "alright skylar be good" she says. "I will" she says.
Skylar is my niece sometimes she can be chill but other times she loves gossip it's like she lives it.

"So sky have Homework" I say "yeah the first day of kindergarten  was lit" she says eating my second taco

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"So sky have Homework" I say "yeah the first day of kindergarten was lit" she says eating my second taco.
"This taco is so good" she says.
I laugh "so any drama" I say "yeah of course so Jackson the boy that drank out of Tori juice boxs so then Jenny found out and then boom Jenny and Jackson never sip from her cup again" she says "oh really" I say "yep just that Kyle is not talking to me anymore I didn't know what I did well I don't invite him to my birthday party I think that's why" she says.
"Maybe let's start on your homework" I say she's laughs and nods.
1 hour later-
"So you add this" I say "oh I was confused on that part" she said.
I laugh we here keys from the door my heart was about to explode because cam was with Matt.
As the door opens I see Cameron just Cameron.
"Where's Matt" I say "who's Matt" skylar says.
"Yeah Matt" he says "hey guys Lexi" he says "hi" I say as me and skylar focus on the homework.
She gets up and goes behind Matt and sniffs his butt. "um sweetie what are you doing" he says as kneels Down to skylar.
"Sniffing your butt I'm saying hello" she says in a duh tone and leaves.
I giggle "um Lexi I'll be right back Matt wanna come" he says "no I'll stay here" he says cam nods.
Really Cameron really.
"So what's your name" Matt says to skylar.
"Skylar S-K-Y-L-A-R JUST TO LET YOU KNOW I'm just testing you if your deaf or not" she says. "Oh okay" he says with laugh.
She gets up on and stands on the counter and goes to Matt and grabs his collar.
"Listen pretty boy I'm not gonna fall for your looks even though you got some nice hair don't look at me like you want me" she says.
"Uhhhhh" he says "yeah feel the burn we'll have a nice day" she says and leaves.
"That was weird" Matt says "yeah she doesn't that all the time to Aaron" I say.
"So are how's life" he says "good very good " I say.
He comes closer to me "um Matt I have to tell you something" I say "what is it" he says.
"Matt I like you but I don't love you, your to old for me I've been saying that since the day we were like hugging and stuff but it's getting out of hand and now I like Jacob I'm sorry even though he has got a lot of hate and I hate that the fans miss me so buh bye Matthew" I say and leave.
"You know he can't leave he's living here for awhile ya know" Skylar says "not now" I say with laugh and she hugs me I'm proud I did that.
Vote and comment and I'll try to update because I have stupid online to get credits for math so that's why I haven't been updating so yeah have nice night!

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