Chapter 49: visitors

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2 months later-
"I now may pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" the preach says.
Lexi's pov-
Jacob looks at me with a smile and smashes his lips on to mine.
Later that day...
"Hey mrs.sartorius" Jacob says recording me with his vlogging camera.
"Jacob put that camera down" I say with a laugh.
"Make me" he says I take it out of his hand "try to catch me" I said Laughing.
He runs after me and we fall on the floor laughing and there's a knock on the door.
I go and open it.
I see a guy wearing some ripped jeans and a blue shirt.
"Um hi may I help you" I say "is Jacob here" he says.
"Um yeah" I say "babe wh- Kaylor" Jacob says.

"Surprise Jacob" kaylor says smiling (I hate kaylor tbh what do you think about Kaylor comment in the comment section)"What do you want" Jacob says "just came here to see my brother" kaylor said smiling

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"Surprise Jacob" kaylor says smiling (I hate kaylor tbh what do you think about Kaylor comment in the comment section)
"What do you want" Jacob says "just came here to see my brother" kaylor said smiling.
"We're not brother's" Jacob says.
I sigh "kaylor why don't you come in and Jacob let me talk to you in our bedroom" i said.
Kaylor walks in and sits down.
Me and Jacob so upstairs "Jacob what's wrong with you" I said.
"What he's not my brother" I said "but what is he was you don't know that" I said.
Jacob sighs "Lexi, kaylor is trying to ruin my career okay he tried to kill my mom so my real biological mom can take me away just for the money" Jacob explains.
"Oh Jacob I'm sorry honey I didn't know" I said and hug him.
"It's okay" he says.
Next day-
I wake up and look beside and see that Jacob left.
I sigh and get ready for the day I put on a black crop top and some grey sweatpants.
I put my hair in a messy bun and go get something to eat downstairs. I get a bowl of corn flakes and turn on the tv and watch amercian horror story.
There's a knock on the door I pause the show and go to the door and open it.
"Um hey kaylor" I said "hey" he says smiling.
"Um Jacobs not here right now" I said "I'm not here for Jacob I'm here for you" he says.
I think for a second and I know what he was gonna do I close the door but he got through and he pushes me on the table and starts kissing me on the neck.
I knee him the stomach.
He falls onto the floor and runs after me. I take a knife "kaylor back away" I said holding the knife.
He pulls out a gun "well I guess that will work" I said and drop the knife and run upstairs as he shoots the wall.
"COME BACK HERE" he yells I lock the door and put stuff by the door so Kaylor wouldn't get in.
I pick up my phone and call Jacob.
It starts to ring "pick up pick up pick up" I said.
But I heard his voicemail.
"Shit" I whisper.
I call him again "open up Lexi" Kaylor says.
He finally answers "hello Lexi, can you come open the door" Jacob says "Jacob Kaylor in the house with a gun jaco-" i say and then my phone dies.
My charger was in the living room.
What am I gonna do.
Jacobs pov-
"Jacob Kaylor in the house with a gun jaco-" Lexi says.
And I hear nothing else.
I run and call the police as I run to the Backdoor.
I open it and the cops were already outside.
They arrest Kaylor. "Jacob" Lexi says hugging me.
I hug back and kiss her cheek "are you okay" i said she nods.
"Why does this stuff keep happening to us" Lexi says.
"I don't know but we're gonna keep a security guard outside at night" I said.
Lexi nods and kisses my cheek.
Hey guys I'm back. I'm gonna make a Cameron Dallas story instead of Joey because it didn't turn out how I thought it would but this is my last change because i keep changing my mind😂

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