sorry guys

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Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating I haven't because for some odd reason because my phone fell and I will tell you the story how it went.
Okay so it was like last wensday and like me my friend Isabelle and Ema we were in class and like we were playing Kahoot so the whole class was playing and like Isabelle she was trying to press a button and like we were on the second question and then boom it goes flying around the floor. I thought that my phone was gonna be okay but nope it wasn't. Once I picked up my phone my whole screen was unbelievable.
My screen had line on It and I was shocked the whole class was looking at me and like I'm very comfortable in that class and like I know everyone and like I like to joke around with them.
And like its just weird that everyone you know looking at you is embassing I was gonna cry my eyeballs out in front of everyone. I was its okay Kaisha don't cry.
So Isabelle's like I'm so sorry Kaisha this that I couldn't be mad at her forever just because of a phone like no. My teacher was felt bad for me and Isabella and like I'm close to my 6th period teacher and like you know she feels bad.
So know I can not get in my phone and yeah so sorry when I take it to the Apple Store and it gets fixed I will totally update guys I promise please forgive me.
Just to make this interesting there is this kid that looks exactly like Jacob like his face he has braces and like he Just looks like him for a reason. I'm gonna try to hook up with him but in all chances that's never gonna Happen so see ya guys love you guysssssssss❤️💕

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