Chapter 15: Drama

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Lexi's pov:
I woke by the sound of my alarm clock I groan and get up.
I sigh and look in the mirror and say "another way to hell".
I undress my self and jump into the shower after I took a shower I dryer my hair and just curled the ends.
I put on some mascara and lip stick from Kylie Jenner and I put on my outfit.

I take my book bag and put it on "hey Cameron" I say "hey baby sis you okay" he says looking at me

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I take my book bag and put it on "hey Cameron" I say "hey baby sis you okay" he says looking at me.
"Yeah I'm okay" I say "well don't let haters stop you" mom says "alright" I say.
I forgot my phone upstairs I run upstairs and go get it I go to messages and text Jade to meet at the bus stop were we always meet and walk to school.
I realized that were not friends then Jacob post a tweet i look at it and it says.
"The best relationships don't last but they will in your heart."
I look down and not try to cry I knew he wanted space but ugh I better get to school.
"Bye mom bye Cameron" I say "bye" they say and hug me.
I walk to school and open the door as I walk in the hall.
Everyone looks at me with disgust and whispers in each other's ears.
I go to my locker and open it then purple ink jumps out all over me.
Everyone laughs in the hall.
I run to the bathroom and start to cry and Olivia runs in the Bathroom.
"Hey hey what's wrong" she says "everyone is looking at me in disgust I don't know why and like ink just jumped out of my locked when I opened it and it's on me".
I cry harder "it's okay" she says hugging not even caring about the ink.
Then Jade comes in with her popular group that she used to have.
"Oh looks, it's the slut" Jade says all them laugh except Olivia.
"Well I guess you got the message you have a little something" she says and walks out.
"Olivia I don't wanna stay please I don't please" I say.
"Alright I tell Valerie and Caroline to meet us at your house and Cameron to pick us up" she says I nod she calls Cameron and he comes.
He runs in the bathroom hugging me and Olivia "are you guys okay" he say we nod we tell Cameron the story and he takes us home.
We see Caroline and Valerie.
And walk inside I get in the shower and wash myself good.
Till the ink comes out I put my hair in a bun.
And out on some nike shirts and cheer shirt that I got from competition.
"Hey girl it's okay Jade is just acting stupid and she doesn't know what she doing she'll figure it out" Valerie says "but I love her" I say "I know we all do but she's in a thing right now" she says.
I nod Cameron comes in "hey girls did someone order pizza" he says all of us nod our head no.
We go downstairs and get the pizza without paying we go to my room and look at it.
"Hey look there's a note" I say "what does it say" Caroline says "yeah what does it say" Olivia says.
Dear Lexi,
Ive know about the drama with Jade and you and Jacob but let's hang out I'm flying in on Saturday for you just to hang out!
Sincerely, hunter Rowland
"Woah I think hunter likes you again" Olivia says.
"Wait but I thought Valerie was dating him" I say "no we were kinda but it Didn't work out" she says.
"Well let's eat this pizza" I say with a smile "yassss" we say.
Hey guys make sure to vote and comment I'll try update this week I spent this Mother's Day without my mom she left to travel but she got my gift and lived she kissed me goodbye and we went to the airport but I miss her.
But make sure to do that and happy Mother's Day guys love you.

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