Chapter 51: doctors

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Lexi's pov-
I heard Jacob yell, so I went upstairs to see what was going on.
"Hey why are you yelling" I say "um nothing, I have nothing to say" Jacob says.
"Um okay anyway wanna go to Panera or something" I said.
"Um sure" he said "I'll be down there in a minute".
I nod and walk out "that was weird.
Jacob's pov-
"So your telling me that she doesn't want to go to the doctor because someone touched her in the wrong way" Jacob says.
"Yeah and she's scared to go, it's a very stupid but she's a girl so" Cameron says.
"Thanks for telling me cam gotta go" I said.
"No problem" Cameron says.
Lexi's pov-
I see Jacob coming down the stairs. "Ready to go" I say smiling.
"Yeah" Jacob says and grabs the keys.

We arrive at Panera we order and then go  sit down.
"Babe I'm sorry for not telling you it's just I don't feel comfortable" I said.
"Yeah I know it's okay" he says
He knows something.

After eating we decided to go back home and watch a movie.
"Jacob can we talk" I say as we we're watching the movies.
"Yeah what's up" he says
"I know you know my secret" he says.
"Oh you do" he said.
I nod.
"You know I can call someone to know what's happening does that make you feel comfortable" he says.
I nod.
He smiles and hugs me.
Holaaaaa I'm gonna update again because I already made a chapter! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy
Yesterday I was watching Jacobs vlogs and I don't know it was something 😂

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