Chapter 38: Dont go

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Lexi's pov-
I was pacing back and forth in the hospital.
"Lexi lexi" Cameron says.
"No he can he can't leave he can't go" I say crying.
"It's okay" he says hugging me "no it's not he's gonna die cam I can't let that happen" I say hitting his chest.
"Just calm down okay" he says.
I just run to the bathroom I really didn't feel good.
I open the stall and barf into the toilet I look up and cry.
I get up and wash my face.
I go back outside and sit in the cafeteria.
I go on my phone and see Bunch of fan accounts of Jacob saying there gonna disable there accounts and stuff like that.
I sigh and shut off my phone.
  2 hours later-
Cameron toke me back to the hotel.
"Cameron let's go back to the hospital now I wanna see Jacob" I say.
"Okay" I say and we leaved.
We finally get to the hospital "Hi can I see Jacob sartorius" I say.
She looks thru her files "sorry he passed away today at 11:23" the lady says.
My heart drops "what" I say.
"No can I just see him" I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.
I see him "Jacob" I yell crying he was just laying down there with his eyes closed.
"JACOB" I yell trying to get over there but Cameron was pulling me back.
I pull away from Cameron's grip. And run to Jacob.
"Jacob Jacob" I say shaking him. "Security" someone calls.
"Jacob" I say crying and kiss his cheek and security pull me away.
We go back to the hotel.
I smash everything in my room  and cry I go out to the balcony.
I look down I was really high I just wanted to fall and die.
I close my eyes and fall but Cameron grabs me by my shirt.
"Lexi what were you doing" he says "nothing" I say. And lock myself in the bathroom I was gonna cut but I knew Cameron wouldn't like it.
I just cry until I feel like stopping.
I start to close my eyes and fall asleep.
Hey guys sorry if this chapter made you sad
I'll try to update this week or tommrow!

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