Chapter 41: WHAT IS GOING ON

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Lexi's pov-
I walk in all wet I sigh and see Cameron.
I couldn't believe my eyes. "Um w-what the I-I no this can't huh what" I say.
Cameron gets up "I can explain" he says.
"My eyes oh my god" I say .
Cam was ya know with some girl on the couch the girl left and there was more things coming.
I look up and see Jacob.
I gasp "I-I-i -I thought you were dead" I say.
"Shit" Cameron says under his breath.
"CAMERON" I yell he runs I run after him.
I tackle him down.
"Why is Jacob here I thought he was dead" I say.
He looks at me and gets up.
"Sit" he says I sit on his bed.
He sighs I look at him "when we were in Virginia I didn't" he says.
"You didn't what" I say "I didn't want you to be with Jacob anymore" he says.
I gasp "what so you made a fake funeral I almost fell off a balcony and cried all night long just because you didn't want me to be with Jacob" I say.
He nods "I'm not mad at you" I say "you aren't" he says.
"I'm disappointed" I say he looks at me.
I just look at him and tears start to roll down my cheeks.
"You know I loved him" I say.
"Your just 14" he says "I don't care Cameron I love him no matter what, wait I'm sorry that sounded cheesy but I do like him even if he gets a hate I don't care what other people think of him" I say crying.
I was in shock Cameron wouldn't really yell at me or scream.
Tears start to roll down my cheeks.
"I thought you were really my brother" I say and go to my room and slam the door.
I cry very very hard.
After an hour of crying I go take a shower.
I put on some shorts a crop top that I always sleep in.
I go downstairs to get something to eat.
I was so so hungry there was nothing to eat so I get an idea and call someone over.
Jacob was still here he was sitting on the couch I guess he has no one to pick him up.
"Hey" I say next to him "hey" he says with a small smile.
"I'm glad your not dead" I say with a small laugh.
"Me too" he says with a laugh "what did Cameron say to you" I say.
"He threatend me saying if i don't say away from you he'll kill me" he says.
My jaw drops.
"Really"i say he nods.
I hug him "I'm sorry" I say crying.
He hugs back "it's alright I just gotta show up to my mom and tell her I'm not dead" he says with a laugh I smile.
He looks at me with a smile.
"Um Dylan's coming over he will use you to a hotel" I say "yeah I'll take that" he says with a smiles
I smile and there's a knock on the door.
I open "MY DYLAN DAZCUT" I say (I forgot to spell his name🙄).
"MY LEXI" he says I smile and hug him.
"You needed me" he says "um yeah I want you to make me a sandwich and take Jacob to a hotel" I say.
"Really a sand which" he says I nod with a smile.
He just smiles and he makes it and takes Jacob to a hotel.
Hey guys sorry for not updating because I just moved in to a new apartment so we don't have wifi yet will be getting wifi on wensday.
It's Monday and I have no school today because it's Labor Day and I'm at my aunts house I was gonna publish it on Saturday but I couldn't because it didn't publish so yeah I'll publish again today in a couple of minutes because i already made it so yeah happy Labor Day😂😂❤️

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