Chapter 25: SHE'S WHAT?!??

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Lexi's pov:
What the heck I become friends with guy that I may like and he has some leftover chic oh gosh.
"Um name" Matt says "stop playing Matt remember me its me Sabrina" the girl says.
"Oh yeah" Matt says scratching  the back off his neck.
"Well I came here to tell you something" she says "what is it" Matt says.
"I'm p-pregnant" she says "and it's yours".
"What not it can't we were only dating for like 2 weeks" Matt says.
It felt like I was about to cry but I couldn't "um Matt I'll think I'll go" I say.
"No stay" he says grabbing my arm.
"This is not my baby because a slut like you I would never hook up with just because your pretty doesn't mean I like you for your looks I like the way you are" he says.
"Matt how am I going care this baby without your help" she says about to cry.
"I'll guess you'll have to finds someone because it's not my baby" he says and we both left.
"Oh my gosh" he says sliding down on the wall with his hands in his face.
"It's okay Matt" I say "it's not lex it's just that I can't do it anymore with the drama" he says crying.
"Matt come on we can do this together okay remember you have a movie premiere cmon up for your movie be somebody so you can do this" I say.
"Yeah I can do this" he says "thanks lex" he says and kisses me on the check.
"Remember friends with benefits" I say.
He chucked with a nod in agreement.
1 hour later-
Cameron and I were going to a lunch  just me and him so looked causal.

1 hour later-Cameron and I were going to a lunch  just me and him so looked causal

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"Let's go kiddo" Cameron says putting his arm around me.
"So where are we going" I say "well we have 2 options Wendy's or McDonald's I'm kinda cheap right now" cam says I laugh "Wendy's im in the mood" I say.
He smiles and we go drive to Wendy's I order a 4 for 4 and cam does too.
"So you and Matt" cam says eating a fry "we're just friends cam" I say.
"Well it looks like he likes you but but what happened between you Hunter and Jacob worked out for a  good solid 3 weeks but you flirted with Johnny and Hunter used you" cam explains.
"Well yeah" I say "but maybe you and Matt will work out" he says I nod we throw away our trash and drive back to the hotel.
As we were driving I felt like I wanted to be with Matt but maybe I wanted to be with Jacob.
I go up to my hotel room me I lay on my bed look at the ceiling and smile.
And maybe i should be friends with Jacob just so things don't get awkward.
I knock on Jacobs door no answer I knock on it one more time no answer I open the door and it's open.
"Jacob" I shout there's no answer I here a shower so I go to the bathroom and see Jacob in the tub full of water trying to kill himself.
I run to the tub and take him out.
And may him on the floor.
I check his Pulse (or how every you spell I don't know I was in a rush sry).
He was still breathing I do mouth to mouth and all the other stuff.
Until he coughs up water "Jacob" I say "Lexi" he says.
"Yeah it's me you were basically drowning trying to kill yourself and it's really good that you wore swim suit in his occasion if you weren't I don't know" I say he laughs.
"So what are you doing here" he says
"Oh yeah I wanted to say let's be friends even though me and you dated and like we went off ugh and stuff but until things get sorted out will see what happens" I say "sure I'd love to friends" he says.
"Yay I would hug you but your wet" I say with laugh.
"Come here" he says and hugs me "Jacob" I say with a laugh.
"I love your laugh it's so contagious when laugh you spread till everyone laughs" Jacob says while laughing.
"Awww Jacob that's so sweet" I say "well gotta go you better get dress".
"K see you life saver" Jacob says "see ya j money" I say.
wow that went out well.
I go to my room and just make snapchats on my phone how bored I am.
after a good 15 mins there's a knock on the door.
Ugh I go to the door and open it and see flowers.
It said
I would proudly like you to be my date to the movie premiere "be somebody" just because you give me great advice and I want you there.
It was like 11 so I knew Matt would be sleeping as I know of.
I get into my pjs and go to sleep.
It's gonna be good and I can't wait to watch on June 13th because it's coming out near me it comes out on June 10th but anyway
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