Chapter 46: Proposal?!?!

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Lexi's pov-
I wake up and I go downstairs I see Jacob "morning" I say "Lexi Lexi" he says "what" I say.
"Let's get married" he says I choke on my bacon and drink my water.
"Say that again" I said coughing.
"Let's get married" he says "Jacob are you sure what your doing right now is like proposal quality" I say.
"Oh" he says with a smirk and goes on one knee.
"Lexi will you marry me" he says.
"You jerk" I said and leave the table and go upstairs and slam the door.
Jacobs pov-
"You jerk" Lexi said to me and when upstairs and slammed the door.
"What was I doing wrong" I said to myself.
I went to marks house because he was married and had a kid.
I drive to marks house and I arrive marks house.
"Hey mark" I say "hey Jacob" he said "so what brings you here" he said.
"I need advice" I said "what is it" mark says
"So I said  Lexi let's get married and she just called me a jerk and just ran upstairs" he says.
"Did you get her ring" he says.
"Oh um no" I say "did you do something' special" mark says.
"No" I say "that's your problem" mark said "oh okay thanks mark" he says "no problem" he says.
I get into my car and drive to some jewelry store.
I buy her ring..

 I get home and run upstairs i try to open the door but it was locked

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I get home and run upstairs i try to open the door but it was locked.
"Babe can you open the door" I say "leave me alone" she says.
After a few minutes she opens the door.
"What" she says.
"I wanted to say I'm sorry" I say and get on my knees "Lexi will you make the happiest man and marry me" he says.
"You pathetic little brat ugh no" she says and slams the door in my face.
Hey guys I'm at school and I needed to update since I haven't updated in a longgggggg time so yeah and have a good day and I'm in civics right now so awesome yay me and I think I'll update after school.

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