Chapter 45: Safe

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Lexi's pov:
I woke up and I see a blue ceiling I turn and see Jacob next to me it looks like he was in a coma.
But I was confused so i didn't know.
I sit up and the nurse comes.
"Ms.dallas you need to rest" she says laying me down.
"What happened to jacob" I said.
"Mr.sartorius is fine he's just sleeping just a few scratches and a broken arm he'll be fine" she explained.
I nod and fell asleep again.
Next day-
I wake up and see that I'm in my bed "huh how'd I get here" I say I shrug and do my daily routine.

Next day- I wake up and see that I'm in my bed "huh how'd I get here" I say I shrug and do my daily routine

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I go downstairs and see Jacob eating and sitting there on his phone.
"Morning" I say "morning" he said smiling.
"what happened" I said sitting down.
"Well you feel asleep at the hospital so the hospital took you home last night and you were fast asleep when we got home" he explained.
"Oh okay well I'm gonna out by the pool" I said
Jacob nods.

I sigh and get some fresh air I look at my phone and see that it was Cameron  calling me.
I sigh and answer it "hello" I say "I heard what happen are you okay" cam said "yeah I'm okay" I say.
"Well feel better soon okay" he said "thanks" I said.
"Love you bye" he says and hangs before I cold say I love you too.
I sigh and a tear rolls down my cheek.
I walk back inside "you okay" Jacob says "yeah I'm good" I said.
"I'm gonna take a nap"
"Okay" Jacob said.
I go upstairs and take a nap.
I wake up and see 2 little girls

(They would look like this but with brown eyes and a little bit lighter skin tone)"Mommy" they both say I raise my eyebrow

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(They would look like this but with brown eyes and a little bit lighter skin tone)
"Mommy" they both say I raise my eyebrow.
"Huh" I say they kiss me both on the cheek.
And they leave I go downstairs.
"Hey mrs.sartorius" Jacob says I look down at my finger and see a ring.
"What happened" I say "you slept in" he says.
End of dream-
I wake up breathing heavily I look at the time and see that it's 3:00 am "wow" I whisper and go to the bathroom.
And wash my face. I see Jacob from the mirror "are you okay you were breathing heavily" he says.
"Oh I'm okay it was just a dream" I said "okay night" he says and kisses my cheek I smile and go back to bed.
Hey guys sorry for not updating! But tommrow or Monday I'll try to update.
Ive always asked myself this would anybody fan girl if I notice them?
Also I need 2 characters for my Joey fanfic so comment if you wanna be it and I'll pick 2!

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