Chapter 16: HUNTA

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Lexi's pov:
It's Saturday and These pass few days have been horrible because jade and her "popular group" have been treating me like sh*t.
But thank god it's Saturday hunters is flying in today.
My phone makes a ding and I look at my phone and see a text from hunter.
Text conversations:
Hunter💕❤️: "Hey beautiful, I'm about to land! Do you think you can pick me up?"

I get really excited and text back,
Me: HELL YEAH?!?!?!
Hunter💕❤️: alright see ya beautiful 💕
I blush and text back alright bye with a wink eye.
I take off my clothes that I was wearing and put on my outfit and my make up my hair was already curled so I was finish.

I take off my clothes that I was wearing and put on my outfit and my make up my hair was already curled so I was finish

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I run downstairs "mom can we get hunter from the airport" I say.
"Yeah sure lets go" she says getting her keys we arrive at the airport.
I get out of my moms Lexus and get out and run to the baggage claiming area nod look around for hunter.
"Hunter" I yell I run up to him he was wearing a muscle shirt and some jeans with his messy airplane hair.
His muscular arms were on my waist and he Picks me up.
I start to yell but then Hunter says "it's okay princess it's me" he says laughing.
"Omg are you guys a couple" some fan girl says "oh no" I say smiling "well maybe not quiet yet" he says looking at me.
I smile "do you mind if I brought Brandon" he says I nod.
Me and Brandon hug and we go outside as I look to my left.
I see Jacob and Jade making out I cry I guess Jacob came to see Jade.
I go over push Jade and slap Jacob as hard as I can.
And walk back to hunter and hug him.
Hunter's pov:
I look at Lexi and I see her running to someone with tears in her eyes! I start to get worried until I see Jacob making out with jade and then Lexi pulling jade away from Jacob and she slaps him.... Like super hard.
I get angry and run to Jacob and punch him in the face
I then scream "You bastard! Never talk to us again and leave Lexi alone! So go back with making out with your slut! I turn around and see Lexi run up to me and hug me. I felt my shirt get wet but I didn't care I carried her out with Brandon following me and I asked Lexi where her mom was
Lexi told me she was at the right side and I walked over there.
Lexis pov:
Hunter and Brandon and I got to the car and he sat me down and say down next to me. After Brandon and Hunter greeted each other my mom drove away the airport.
I placed my head on hunters arm and he wrapped his arm around me i snuggled close to him and I felt my eyes starting to close.
I placed my head on hunters arm and he wrapped his arm around me i snuggled close to him and I felt my eyes starting to close.
And I was surrounded by darkness.
"Hey princess wake up" I hear Hunter says I love it when Hunter calls me princess.
I get up and we walk into the my room.
Brandon goes to his hotel but Hunter wanted to stay with me.
"We have a guest room if you wanna stay in" I say "let's hang out" he says "at 8:00" I say with a giggle.
"Yeah" he says with a smile I put on a white v neck shirt and some nike shorts.
Me and Jacob were watching the notebook we were eating pizza and sour path kids we were wrapped up in a Blanket.
Then a kissing scene comes on he looks at me I smile.
And he starts to lean in he kisses me I felt sparks.
We finished the movie I fell asleep he turned off my tv and snuggles with me all night I have feelings for Hunter.
Hey guys make sure to vote and comment my great co-worker Karinaleon48 she's awesome but don't steal her from me jk but hope you had an amazing day and might see you tommrow!

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