Chapter 42: never stop

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Lexi's pov-
I wake up and get ready for school I was still mad at Cameron.
I take a shower and put my outfit on for the day.

I go downstairs and see Cameron "hey Lexi" he says "Dallas" I say

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I go downstairs and see Cameron "hey Lexi" he says "Dallas" I say.
"Are you still mad" he says I ignore him and get my lunch.
"Lexi" he says "save it" I say and leave.
At school-
I arrive at school and I saw Olivia "hey where are the others" I say "they went on that school trip" she says.
"Ohh to um some museum" I say she nods.
"I here there's a new girl here she's really pretty and she got popular fast" Olivia says "really what's her name" I say.
"Here names Luna Blaise" she says "oh her she was in Jacobs music video for sweatshirt she's nice" I say.
"Oh I thought you would be jealous of what you heard" she says. (Putting old Jacob drama in this).
"Um they got caught holding hands" she says.
"Oh really" I say trying not let my anger out.
She nods he bell rings.
"See you 2 period" liv says "k bye love you" she says she smiles and we go to class.
After a few periods I see the Luna.

"Wow She's pretty" I mumble no wonder why Jacob likes her.
She sits down next to me "hey it's Lexi right" she says.
I nod smiling "so hows your brother" she says "um good" I say "hows your boyfriend Jacob" she says smiling.
"Oh I'm um awesome good we've been going thru problems lately but we're kinda good" she says.
She nods and smiles.
As I'm walking to school I see Luna running to me.
"Hey I'm having a party at my house wanna come" she says.
"Um sure" I say she smiles and walks away.
Parties parties I'm not party girl.
I sigh and walk home I get home and get ready for the party.
I put on something casual

I walk out ignoring Cameron as he talks to me

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I walk out ignoring Cameron as he talks to me.
I arrive at Luna's house.
I can here the loud music and people laughing and yelling.
I thought this was like a little party Ugh
I walk in "heyyyyy hottieee" some guys slurs I roll my eyes and walk away.
"Hey" Luna says "hey Luna" I say with a small smile.
"Um jacob said he wanted to see you  by the pool" she says "oh okay" i say
I go to the pool.
"Hey" Jacob says smiling at me "hey" I say "you needed me.
He nods we sit down "I'm sorry" he says "sorry for what" I say confused "for what I did falling for Cameron's trick" he says.
"Jacob I was never mad at you it was just a thing that happen I forgive you plus I never stop loving you " I say
"Really" he says I nod smiling at him he hugs me I hug back.
"I love you Lexi" he says "I love you too" I say and he kisses my cheek.
"WHAT THE HELL" someone said.
Cliffhanger again ha I guess you'll find out soon sorry for not updating for some odd reason I always forgot! Who updated there phone I love the iOS 10 update.

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