Chapter 31: GET OUT!!!

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Matthew's pov:
"M-my dad died" I say "yes he passed away at 7:09 am I'm very sorry for your lost" the nurse says.
"No no no no he's not dead" I say getting up crying.
"Please lay down" the nurse says "no I wanna leave I can't stay here anymore I can't take the PRESSURE" I say crawling into a ball crying.
Amy's pov (Blake's girlfriend)
"Um excuse me I'm looking for Blake gray" I say.
"He's In room 201" the lady says "um Callie" I say looking at her name tag.
She nods "what happened to Blake gray" I say.
"Oh he was in a terrible motorcycle accident right after Lexi Dallas cutting incident" Callie says.
"Wait Lexi Dallas as in Cameron Dallas sister" I say "yes" Callie says.
"Room" I say "room 307" she says "thank you" I say.
"No problem" she says.
I go to lexi's room "OMG Lexi" I says me hug her.
"Amy" she says and hugs me "are you okay" I say "yeah I'm just a little bit weak" she says.
"Olivia, Valerie, Caroline, and Jade are coming soon" I say "thank god wait Jade as in the girl who back stabbed me" she says "yeah she wants to see how your doing" i say "it better be worth it" I say.
Jacob's pov:
"Then you can wear my sweatshirt cause your the only one I hold and I don't want you to be cold so baby where my" I sang.
"Finally" I whisper "wow that was amazing" I hear someone familiar say.
I turn around and see my mom.
"Mom" I say and run up to her and give her a hug.
"Hey sweetie I missed you I flew out so see my son my perfect RESPONSIBLE son" she says.
"Mom I am responsible nothing bad has happened except for Lexi and I" I say.
"Really what happened" mom said "it's a long long story" I say "I got time" she says.
Lexi's pov:
"Alright ms. Dallas you are free to go home in a few minutes just lay down here and you change into these clothes" the nurse says handing me my clothes.
I walk to the bathroom and change into my clothes.

I slip on my nikes and go to my room and sit on the bed on my phone until I see Olivia, Valerie, and Caroline but no Jade

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I slip on my nikes and go to my room and sit on the bed on my phone until I see Olivia, Valerie, and Caroline but no Jade.
"Omg guys I missed you" I say "we missed you too" they all say.
"You've guys missed a lot" I say "is why we're missing here your cutting for a boy either it's Jacob or Matthew" Olivia says.
"I don't know who OK" I say "just tell us because they need to get sorted out" Caroline says eating something from Chick-fil-A.
"Can I fry" I say "yeah sure" Caroline says and passes me one.
"Alright ms.dallas you are free to go your brothers outside the parking lot" the nurse says I nod and we walk outside right before we were going to walk out I just remembered.
"Wait what about Matt" I say "Matthews okay" Olivia says "no he's not I need to see Matthew" I say.
As from the hallway i see Matthew going into a room.
"MATT" I yell he didn't here me I run to him but someone stops me.
"Doctor what's happening to Matt" I say "he's going into surgery" doc says "what why he just fainted" I say "he's going into a Mri right now we're gonna scan his body first and take him to surgery" doc says "that doesn't make any sense" I say.
"No for you but to us it does" doc says and leaves.
"Matt" I whisper.
Don't leave me
Jacob's pov:
"And she's getting out of the hospital today" I finish.
"Oh honey you need to get your girl back that Matt dude sounds like a great kid but I know you can do better" mom says.
"Oh sing a verse from you song" she says "sure" I say with a smile.
"When you go to sleep at night, when you wake up in the morin and when you walk the halls" I sang "that's it" she says "yeah I don't wanna spoil mom" I said putting down my guitar.
"Well baby wanna go for a ride in my sweet ride to chipotle cmon" mom says "alright" I say "but don't ever say that again" i say with a laugh.
"Ah I love you Jacob" mom says "love you too" I say.
"Oh I remember this pic of you at the beach" mom says showing me a pic.

"Omg" I say "yep you accidentally fell into the sand" mom says "ahahah" I say

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"Omg" I say "yep you accidentally fell into the sand" mom says "ahahah" I say.
"Alright off to chipotle" mom says.
Matt's pov:
I wake up from a deep sleep "where am I" I say "you just came back from a surgery" the nurse says.
"Where Lexi I need Lexi" I say
Don't leave me.
Jacob's pov:
I need you Lexi
Lexi's pov:
I don't know who need
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