A/N: News

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Hola guys okay as said from my last chapter i have exciting news.
Alright a lot of people have been reading my books I joined a year ago and I have grown from this and I have a really nice time working on my books, getting a lot reads votes comments.
So As you know roommates have been really popular everyone loves the book.
I kept thinking and thinking that why not make a squeal to roommates.
Then I thought no I'm not gonna do it.
Then as I thought yesterday I said I will be making a SQUEAL TO ROOMMATES yes I will be making a squeal.
It's going to be about Jenny's, Jackson, and Jasmine's life will have Sophie and Jacob back.
And also I will be having roles like someone who wants to be blakes girlfriend or something.
You comment first then boom your his girlfriend I will be posting like on my account I'll notify you guys on my account.
And yeah so I'm so exciting for this book so yeah I'll be making another book it might take a month not that chapters I hope so yeahhhhhhhhhhh!

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