Chapter 48: kidnap pt.2

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Jacobs pov-
I wake up from a really bad headache I look around my surroundings and I'm in a dark room.
I look up and see Lexi on a bed handcuffed as blood drip down her stomach.
"Lexi" I say as I get up but I couldn't get up because I was hand cuffed too.
" jacob" she whispers "Lexi  are you okay I'm sorry what I did I'm sorry that I didn't do anything for the proposal" I explain.
"Jacob it's okay ow I love you ethier way, I was being dramatic" she whispers.
"I'm going to get you out of here okay I promise" he says.
"Jacob is hurts" she says "i know I'm gonna get you outta of here" I said.
I tried to get my self out of the handcuffs but it wouldn't budge I sigh and try harder.
"Last time Jacob and do it strong" I whisper to myself.
"1,2,3" I say and rip the hands cuffs off I scream from the pain.
I stand up and run to Lexi I take the handcuffs off and I pick her up bridal style.
I tried opening the door but it was locked.
"Shit" I whisper.
Lexi fainted she lost to much blood I take my shirt and wrapped around her stomach.
I try opening the door.
"Lexi stay with me okay" I say.
She nods.
The door opens a few minutes later I couldn't believe my eyes.

I saw Matt Matthew lee Espinosa.
"Matthew what the fuck" I say "get out of my way you lip singer" he said "why are you doing this" I say.
"Lexi was supposed to MINE" Matthew says "if she yours and she's not mine no of us can have her" he says taking out a gun.
"Are you crazy dude your gonna kill her" I yell.
"Yeah duh" Matthew says.
He knocks me out with gun and I here a gun shot and I here Lexi screaming in pain.
"JACOB JACOB" she yells I try to get up but when Matthew hit me in the leg with a really hard object I couldn't get up and I open my eyes and see lexi on the floor blood coming from her shoulder crying.
"Lexi" I say "Jacob it hurts please please" I said.
"Hello dude are you okay" I hear from my phone.
It sounded like mark I take my phone out of my pocket.
"Hello" I groan "Jacob are you okay I heard someone got
Shot" mark says "yes call the police please Lexi she lost a ton of blood mark please" I say.
"Okay stay In there buddy" he says and hangs up.
After 5 minutes I here ambulance and police.
I smile "your gonna be okay babe" I say to Lexi.
She smiles and then passes out.
A tear rolls down my cheek.
And I sigh.
The police arrested Matthew and me and Lexi went to the hospital.
Lexi's pov-
I was sitting in the hospital watching vampire diaries on my computer.
It's good to be back!
Hey guys I finally updated again I had time in class I'm about to leave my 1st period in about 15 minutes or maybe 10. Did anyone watch Jacobs short film it was funny 😂. But anyone hope you guys had a great Halloween don't get diabetes when your eating your candy!❤️
Love you guys!

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