Chapter 4: dates and elevator kiss

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Lexi's pov:
The next day I woke up and saw flowers around my bed.
"Um guys" I say "yeah um Matthew sent in some flowers" Jade says.
"Yeah he said get dress and meet him by the pool" Olivia says putting her lipstick on.
"Oh okay" I say getting up.
"And Cameron said something about strike 2" Jade says.
"Ughhhhh" I say "what happened" Caroline says eating a chips.
"Well Cameron saw me fall on Jacob and he thinks I like him so if he does something and he gets to the forth strike he's out of magcon" I say.
"That's unfair" Valerie says "I know okay let me get ready" I say "alright" they say.
I got ready and went down to the lobby.

I go by the pool and see Matt "hey Matt you said you needed me" I say "yeah well I wanted to do this and it's special time" he says "okay" I say

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I go by the pool and see Matt "hey Matt you said you needed me" I say "yeah well I wanted to do this and it's special time" he says "okay" I say.
"Alright um " he says then he pushes me in the pool.
"Matthew Matthew" I say drowning he takes off his shirt and jumps in the pool.
"Got ya" I say smirking "oh it's on" he says we swim for an hour and we go to the ledge.
"I had fun today" he says "me too Matt" I say it was quit he starts to lean in I do too.
Then "LEXI" I hear I look and see Olivia.
"Sorry Matt I got to leave" I say and get out.
"Yeah" I say "Cameron said get ready to leave were gonna miss our flight and did u Matt have a hot session" she says "no Olivia I told you I'm 13 he's 18" I say.
"Well your gonna turn 14 next week" she says "alright I know" I say.
I go upstairs "hey why are you wet cmon" cam says.
"I was with Matt and don't ask any questions" I say "why were you with Matt" he says "none of your business" I say and close the door.
I get ready and put on warm clothes I blow dry my hair and put it in braids.

I get ready and put on warm clothes I blow dry my hair and put it in braids

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I get my things and get out of the hotel room.
"Hey" Jacob says "hey Jacob" I say "so you and Matt" he says "oh me and Matt were just friends" I say "oh okay" he says.
"Wanna make a together" I say smirking.
"Uhhhhh yasss" he says laughing.
I laugh and we make like 5
We get to the car by then I see Matt by the door and comes to me.
"Bye Matt" I say "bye pumpkin" he says I smile and he gives me a kiss on the cheek.
I had a feeling where I felt that I liked and another one that I like him as a brother.
I smile and we get in the car "wait" he says "what is it" I say "here" he says I look at it and it was pic of us at the beach I smiles and hug him again even tighter.
"Cmon Lexi" cam says smiling I say bye to Matt and we go to the airport.
"Hey Jacob can I go on ur back" I say "sure" he says and pulls up his sleeves he picks me up and fall on the ground.
I laugh "are you active" I say "no I don't go to the gym" he says "no I meant on meant on tumblr" I say.
He drinks his Starbucks "I'm totally active" he says we both laugh.
We get on the plane and we make snapchats and musical.lys.
I smile and he smiles back thru the flight I fell asleep on Jacobs shoulder and I felt a wet kiss on my forehead.
I smile wow he's desperate.
We finally land to our destination we get to our hotel and we get in our room.

We sit on the bed and I lay down "hey I saw you sleepin on Jacob their huh" Jade says smirking

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We sit on the bed and I lay down "hey I saw you sleepin on Jacob their huh" Jade says smirking.
"Well yeah he's a sweet and nice guy" I say "girl you've been hitin on Jacob, Matt, and Hunter" Olivia says.
"Well I'm sorry and don't you have a date with Hayes tonight" I say smirking.
"Yes I can't wait" she say "well cmon lets get you ready" Jade says and we pull her in the bathroom and we get her hair started.
We starighten It and we start to make up we get her dressed.
She comes out "wow you look bootyful" Caroline says eating something.
"Really your always have something in your hand" I say snatching it from her and eating it.
"You think Hayes will like this" I say "yeah he is and plus I think he really likes you" I say.
She smiles.
(Olivia's outfit⬇️)

We hear a knock at the door I open it "hey Hayes" I say "hey I'm here to pick up Olivia" he says "Olivia" I say she comes and Hayes was amazed

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We hear a knock at the door I open it "hey Hayes" I say "hey I'm here to pick up Olivia" he says "Olivia" I say she comes and Hayes was amazed.
"Wow you look gorgeous" he says "thanks not bad yourself" she says I try not to laugh.
They leave and we watch movies till she comes back.
Olivia's pov:
"So where are we going" I say with a smile "oh you'll see" he says I smile.
We get their and i smile he took me to a fancy restaurant.
"Hey look is that Marylin Monroe star" I say "yep" Hayes says with a smile "but were in San Francisco" I say " I have my ways" he says we get into the restaurant.
We get to our table and eat and Hayes makes me laugh.
As we pull up to the hotel we say out goodbyes.
We were by the room "well I had a good time Olivia" Hayes says.
"Me too Hayes" she says he leans in and kisses me.
(Your welcome Olivia 😉)
He leaves and the door opens "we're you guys listing" I say "pssh no" Lexi says "Caroline" o say holding leftovers.
"Yes yes they were now give me that bag" she says and grabs it.
"Did he kiss you" Jade says blushes "yes" I say.
All of his squeal of excitement.
Lexi's pov:
After that i went to get something from cam as I went back I see Hunter.
"Hey I'm sorry what happened last time" Hunter says.
I roll my eyes and I ignore him "leave me alone" I say going in to the elevator.
He comes in with me "leave me ALONE" I say "no I'm sorry please" he says "no just stop" I say at that moment Hunter kisses me. I get a spark I push him off and get out of the elevator.
"Hey are you okay" Daniel says "yeah" I say "oh me and the boys are doing bonfire and I'm gonna sing wanna come" he says.
"Sure" I say "alright see ya" he says with a smile.
"Oh and you look nice" he says "thanks" I say blushing.
He goes in the elevator and waves "wait do I like Daniel know I'm not a slut" I say.
Oh god I have so many mixed emotions.
Hey guys make sure to vote and comment so tomorrow morning at 8 I will be publishing because I'm going to Georgia.
I will update following Monday and Tuesday so tune in for that!!!

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