Chapter 11: bro and sis day

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Lexi's pov:
Today cam wanted to have a time with me all day. I put on my jeans and my loose white top
And my blue converse.
I straighten my hair and leave "hey Cameron" I say.
"Hey sis" he says "are you ready to leave" I say "yep let's go" he says we get in the car together.
"So where do you wanna go" he says "why don't we go to uhhhh the mall" I say smiling "alright beautiful" he says we get to the mall and park.
"Let's go to pink" I say "alright" he says I buy a hoodie and some underwear and some Sweats after that we go to the register.
"The total would be 56.78" the girls says I could see Cameron was looking at her ohhhhhh Cameron has a crush her name was Tracey as said from her tag that she had on.

"Hi I'm Tracey" she says holding out her hand "Cameron" he says smiling "hey cam why don't you stay here and I'll go to the food court" I say "alright see you there" he says

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"Hi I'm Tracey" she says holding out her hand "Cameron" he says smiling "hey cam why don't you stay here and I'll go to the food court" I say "alright see you there" he says.
I go to the food court (yes we will be going to Cameron's pov).
I go to steak and shake "hi can I get a philly steak sandwich with a bucket of fries and Sprite please" I say "yes name" she says nicely "Lexi Dallas" I say "that would be 20.34" she says I give her the money get my food and sit down.
As I was eating my fries I see Someone fammiler is that Jacob I get up as I go closer he sees me and guess what it was Jacob.
He sees me and walks to me with that girl Marelin.
"Hey Jacob" I say hugging him "hey babe" I say "I didn't know that you were here" I say "yeah I was about to call you but I didn't have service for an odd reason" he says "oh hey marlien" I say "hey what's up" she says "alright well I'm about to leave I just gotta text Cameron that I'm leaving" I say "alright sweetie" he says kissing my cheek.
Cameron's pov:
"So when do you get off" I say "oh right now " Tracey said clocking out.
"Um well would you like to hang out sometime" he says "oh I have a boyfriend" she says.
"Oh" I frowned "just kidding I'd love too" she says I smile and hugs me.
"Well tommrow night" she says "yeah" I say.
I see that Lexi texted me
Cam: what's up
Baby sis💖💕😂: the sky
Cam: alright what do you need
Baby sis 💖💕😂: oh right Jacob came and I'm leaving with him
Cam: alright be safe
Baby sis💖💕😂: I will😊
Cam: k love you bye💕💖💖💕
Baby sis: k love you too❤️💕
I got her number and drove back to the hotel.
Lexi's pov:
"Hey Johnny" I say "h-hey Lexi" he says "Jacobs down at the lobby if you wanna go see him" I say "alright bye" he says with a smile that was weird.

"Hey girlssssss" I say "what up" Caroline stars eating a sandwich I laugh.
"Hey Olivia um we need to go down to the venue downstairs for hunters party and start to blow the balloons on the thing" I say "alright cmonnnnn" she says.

"Val, Jade, Caroline wanna come" I say "yasssss" they say we go downstairs I see Jacob then be just collapse on the floor.
"GUYS JACOB" I yell we run over to him "Jacob wake up Jacob wake up JACOB" I cried.
Cameron comes in and rushes over.
"What happened" he said "I don't know he just collapsed on the floor" I say "alright someone call 911 NOW" he says
Hey guys sorry I haven't updated I've been busy and maybe next week because of testing I think make sure to enter the contest and comment Jacob love waffles if you don't know what the heck I'm talking about just go look at the previous i updated and yeah.
Happy readings!

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