Chapter 34: i hate you cameron

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Lexi's pov:
"Cameron" I yell as I slam on his door "what do you want" he says "get Matthew out of here nowwwwwwwww" she says "why" he says.
"Because I don't want him here I Know I'm acting like a hoe but now" I say.
"Take him to hotel" I say and leave.
"Hey Skylar mommys outside" I say "okay bye Lexi" she says "bye sweetie" I say and she leaves. I take a shower and get ready for bed.
As I walk downstairs I see Matt and Cameron talking.
"Why is your sister being like that" Matt says "I don't know she's just being a b**th" Cameron says. "Yeah she is" Matt says.
"I can't believe were related I'd like to send her off to boarding school" cam says with a laugh.
"You should" Matt says.
How could he say that he's my brother how could he.
"I didn't mean it" cam says getting up coming closer to me.
"Get away from me I don't even know you anymore I freakin hate you Cameron leave me the heck alone now I can't believe we're 'related' " I say crying I go upstairs and slam my door shut and lock it.
I cry and cry until i couldn't take it anymore.
I ordered a ticket to Virginia I would leave in 2 hours. I get a duffle bag and put some clothes in.
I can't believe I'm doing this after 2 hours.
I quietly walk down stars and open the door and leave and just walk to the airport.
"Oh my god that was oh my god I'm out of breathe" I say go thru security and stuff and I abroad on the plane.
"Bye L.A" I say.
Cameron's pov:
I wake up and go downstairs and make some breakfast.
After I put my eggs on the plate I go up to Lexi's room and knock on the door.
"Lexi breakfast is ready" I say no answer "Lexi I know your mad at me but you got to come out" I say no answer.
"Lexi" I say and open the door her bed was set up but she wasn't there.
"Lexi" I say as I look for her "LEXI LEXI" I yell
Where could she go.
Sorry for short chapter I'll try to update more just because I have online summer school so I'll try to stay active and make sure you guys stay active as well!💕 love you guys!💕

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