Chapter 36: being missed

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Lexi's pov:
He hugs me back. I cry into is chest to say how much I'm sorry. "Shhh it's okay" he says.
"I've been so selfish lately I'm sorry" I say.
"It's okay I forgive you" he says I smile and he wipes my tears away.
"Come inside" he says I nod "mom" Jacob says.
"Yes" she says. "Lexi's here" he says. "Oh hi Lexi" she says smiling.
"Hi Mrs. Sartotrius" I say she smiles and goes upstairs me and Jacob sit on the couch.
"Why are you here" he says "because Cameron hates me" I say looking down.
"It's Cameron he would never hurt someone's feeling not even yours" he says.
"He told me that he doesn't want me anymore and I don't know" I say.
"But he's your brother I think he would mean that" he says looking at me.
"Are you sure" I say "yeah it's Cameron" he says.
I look down and play with my fingers.
Cameron's pov:
I go to everyone of Lexi's friends and they said they haven't seen her.
Then Jacob calls me "hello" I say "Cameron" Jacob speaks thru the phone.
"Yes do you know where Lexi is" I say "um yeah she's right here next to me" he says.
"Oh my gosh please can I talk to her" he says.
"Yeah sure" he says.
"Hello" Lexi says "Lexi I'm sorry I didn't mean too say all those stuff about you I'm really sorry" I say.
"It's okay it's not like you to say that" she says.
"So you forgive me" I say "yes but I'm still kinda of mad at you" she says I laugh "so where are you" I say.
"Virginia" she says "wait what your in Virginia how" I say. "I have my ways" she says.
"I'm coming to get you right now" I say and hang up.
Lexi's pov-
"Um well okay" I say and give Jacob back his phone.
"So um Lexi are you Matt a thing now" Jacob says."um no" I say with a laugh.
"Oh okay" he says. "Jacob I know what your trying to say and yes I'll be your girlfriend again" I say smiling.
"Wait really" he says "yeah" I say smiling he smiles and hugs me I hug back.
"Old and fun Lexi's back" he says.
Hey guys sorry not for updating a while I didn't know what to write I just wanna get this book over with some I may being stopping at 45 or 50 chapters.
So vote and comment love ya guys!

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