Chapter 18: Disneyland pt.2

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(I'm changing lexis outfit just to let you guys know)
Lexi's pov:

(I'm changing lexis outfit just to let you guys know)Lexi's pov:

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"What the hell is HE doing here" I say as I glare at Jacob.
Hunter gets mad and says "LEAVE"
Hunter tries to tackle him but I stop him from doing it.
"Hahah look it's the slut" Jacob says.
(To warn this may have mature content!)
"You little b**th" I whisper
I feel tears in my eyes but I have to say strong
"Hey lets just get on rides and and enjoy the rest of our day! Hunter let's just ignore him let's just be happy today! I say.
With that said me and Hunter go on rides.
*after rides*
"HUNTA I'm hungry" I say in a baby voice "well cmon lets gets you something to eat princess" he says "yay" I say with laughter.
We get to someplace and order our food!
It looks so good!

I steal a fry from Hunter "hey" he says "thank you" I say with a smile

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I steal a fry from Hunter "hey" he says "thank you" I say with a smile.
He laughs I here the door opens Hunter was on his phone.
It was Jacob and Jade I immediately turn to Hunter his eyes are filled with Anger
He's clenching and unclenching his fist.
I put hand on top of his hand and it feels like he's relaxed.
I shake my head no and we continue to eat.
While I was eating I see a tall figure behind me.
I turn around and see Jade and Jacob making out.
I was about to cry but I remember Hunter.
I look at Hunter and kiss him.
I blush so hard so did he, "ewww go kiss my slut somewhere else" he says.
"Haha I can't believe I liked you! But guess what Hunter is winning cause you downgraded a whore" I say I look at Jade as if she was going to slap me in slow motion.
Before she could I grab her hand and slap her.
"now can you guys leave so we can eat in peace idiots!" Lexi says
Jacob and Jade glare at me and leaves
I turn to Hunter and see him in shocked I giggle and he smiles and laughs along.
We finish eating and go to the castle for fireworks.
When we get there I see the rest magcon and two new girls.
"Hey Lexi meet my new girlfriend Amy!" He says.
"Oh hi I'm Lexi" I say "hi Blake has talked about you, you seem very very nice" she says "thanks" I say with a smile

"Hey Blake do you mind if taking a picture of me and Hunter kissing at the castle" I say "yeah sure" he says me and Hunter get in position

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"Hey Blake do you mind if taking a picture of me and Hunter kissing at the castle" I say "yeah sure" he says me and Hunter get in position.
"So Lexi I've like you for a while and I was wondering if you would like to be my g-girlfriend" he says "YES" I scream and we both lean in for a kiss.
We kissed and the fireworks exploded Blake takes the picture.
We just look at each other
Blake clears his throat I see him holding my phone I blush.
"Thanks" I say Bart tells everyone to gather around and they do.
I turn to see Jacob and Jade making out I make a noise of disgust.
"Okay guys so we're goin to Europe tommrow so pack your things be at the airport at 5:00" he says everyone agrees.
Everyone heads to the car except Jade and Jacob.
Me and Hunter get out and say bye to everyone.
And I get upstairs and start packing my things.
As we finish I change into my pjs and Hunter changes into basketball shorts.
"Goodnight Hunter" I say "goodnight princess" he says.
4 hours later:
"Wake up sis" I hear Cameron say "whatttt" I groan "we're goin to Europe cmon" he says "ugh where's Hunter" I say "he's downstairs" he said.
I get up and get ready I take a short shower I put mascara on and a nude color lipstick.
I put on my outfit take my things and go downstairs.

I get downstairs"morning Hunter" I say getting into hug

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I get downstairs"morning Hunter" I say getting into hug.
"Morning princess" he says kissing my head.
We get in the car and I fall asleep until we get to the airport.
HI GUYS I'm no sick anymore so yeah I have exciting news to tell you guys so I'll post an authors note so yeah.
You guys are going to be epic about this and I'm so happy you guys are gonna love it I promise so yeah!

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