Chapter 24: i hate my life

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Lexi's pov:
"You have what" I say "c-cancer" Aaron says having tears streaming down is his face.
"This can't happen I thought Cameron was gonna die now I have to worry about you dying" I say "I found out this morning" he says.
"I just can't" I say.
And walk to matts room "hey are you okay" Matt says.
"No Matt I'm not to much stuff is going on what If your gonna say oh I got a girl pregnant" I say "what, what are you talking about I never did I-like you" he says. "I know you did bu- wait what" I say. "I like you I've been like you from the start" he says. "But I'm 14 about to be 15 in 6 months" I say.
"But age is just a number" he says "you may get arrested" I say "stop being a wise guy" he says.
I laugh.
"I kinda like you too" I say " so what  are we".
"Maybe friends with benefits" he says "maybe so we should start off slow" I say "yeah we should" he says with a smile.
I get ready in the bathroom.

"You look nice" Matt says  "thanks" I say "wanna go to McDonald's to eat" he says "sure I haven't been there in awhile" i said

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"You look nice" Matt says "thanks" I say "wanna go to McDonald's to eat" he says "sure I haven't been there in awhile" i said.
"Alright Lego" he says we drive to McDonalds and order are food.
"OMG MATTHEW ESPINOSA" a fangirl says.
"Yes" he says with a smile.
"Can I have a picture" she says "of course" he says.
They take pics and she walks away with a glare at me.
"Did you see that she glared at me" I say "it's okay she might think we're dating or something" he says throwing away his trash.
We get in the car it was a very slient car ride until Matt turned on the radio and we were singing panda.
"PANADA PANDA I GOT BROADS IN ATLANTA CHASING CODEINE" we sing after singing and laughing in the car we went to the mall.
"Ohh let's go to pink" I say "yay every mans dream" Matt says in a sarcastic way.
"What about this bathing suit" I say "nice" he says "why aren't you looking" I say.
"Sorry I know that I'm guy but I haven't been this crowded around girls since the 2nd grade" he says I laugh and pay for the bathing suit.
"Let's go to express" he says "ew every  girls dream" i say "what about this" he says "what" I say "why aren't you looking" he says.
"I haven't been this crowded since wait I have been crowded been boys since day one" I say.
After shopping we go back to the hotel.
"Yeah but what if you take a Potato chip and dip it in ketchup same thing as French fries" Matt says.
"Matt I didn't say it was disgusting I just said it was weird" I say "mhmmmmm" he says I laugh.
I open the door to see a brunette  girl sitting on matts bed.

I open the door to see a brunette  girl sitting on matts bed

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"Matt" she says and hugs Matthew.
You have got to be kidding me
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