Chapter 5: bonfire

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Lexi's pov:
"Guys were going to a bonfire and Daniel is singing" I say "DAMN DANIEl" we all say and we laugh we get ready and put on our outfits.

Lexi's pov:"Guys were going to a bonfire and Daniel is singing" I say "DAMN DANIEl" we all say and we laugh we get ready and put on our outfits

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After we look in the mirror we go down to the bonfire.
"Hey guys" I say "hey" they say and I sit next to Jacob.
"What up j money" I say laughing ( yes yes I got that from fuller house if u were thinking that).
"Nothin much L money" he says "they I did it sounded cooler" I say acting serious.
We both laughs
"I can't wait till Daniel sings" I say "I know me too he's really good" he says "oh there he is" I say.
"Hey guys lets get the bonfire started" he says "sing we got us" I say "alright we got us is It" he says.
Guitar strings
If the sky falls
If the world ends if the sunsets and the rivers turn red it we get lost in the twilight somehow will be alright
Cause I got you and you got me and we got us,yeah we got us yeah we got trust
Hard thing by these days everybody playing someone yeah, we got love if it don't gotta Cost a thing even when the money dresses up cause I got you and you got me yeah we got us yeah we got us.
He finished singing and it was amazing and it felt awesome that he was amazing and he just light up my inside of pony's and sparkles.
We had some food and we ate.
We sang songs my head was on Jacobs shoulder and he was smiling I was too.
As we finished I went upstairs as I get upstairs I see Daniel.
"Oh hey Daniel" I say "oh hey" he says "you were really good" I say "thanks and you looked good I like that flannel" he says smiling we get on the elevator he smiles his perfect eyes his perfect hair his warm smile it was so ughhhh.

"Oh hey Daniel" I say "oh hey" he says "you were really good" I say "thanks and you looked good I like that flannel" he says smiling we get on the elevator he smiles his perfect eyes his perfect hair his warm smile it was so ughhhh

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We were in the elevator I just wanted to kiss his soft lips.
He looks at me and smiles he pulls me to his chest and kisses me.
"Wait how old are you turning next week" he says "14" I say.
"Alright pick you up at 7 be ready" he says and walks out of the elevator.
Wait did I just kiss and I look Jacob and I hate Hunter and he asked me out and wow I'm a slut a total slut now wow I'm such a slut thanks.
I get to the room and the girls sleeping I yawn and go to bed.
The next day:
I woke up and heard the sound of Cameron saying lets go event.
So I get up and wake up the girls and today I have a date with Daniel I'm scared  but happy at the same time.
I put on my outfit and put my hair in a high ponytail.

And me and the girls go to the event Daniel sings and I smile and he looks at me and winks

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And me and the girls go to the event Daniel sings and I smile and he looks at me and winks.
After that we got to meet a lot of fans.
I got a tweet saying
Are Lexi Dallas and Daniel Skye dating??????
I look at he article it says.
Musician Daniel Skye and viner/ star Lexi Dallas have been seeing each other the couple has been seen at a coffee shop last week.
We were there as friends I can not let Cameron see this.
After the event I get tweets saying oh you and Daniel.
Danm you slut ugh really really really this can not happen.
"What happened" Olivia says "I got Danny drama" I say "I got Hayes drama There's a bunch of fans that are makin edits of us and shipping us and I love it look" she says and shows me a pic.

"What happened" Olivia says "I got Danny drama" I say "I got Hayes drama There's a bunch of fans that are makin edits of us and shipping us and I love it look" she says and shows me a pic

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"Wow that's a good one" I say "right" she says with a smile.
"Well I'm gonna go on a simple hang out date with Daniel" I say "I'm not trying to be mean but do you think ur a slut" she says "yes Olivia yes yes please help it's not my fault that I'm pretty" I say.
"It's okay alright go on the date come back and tell me how it is go get dress" she says "alright okay" I say and get dressed.

"It's okay alright go on the date come back and tell me how it is go get dress" she says "alright okay" I say and get dressed

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After I put it on I leave and go down to Starbucks and see Daniel I pull the door and go to the table where he was sitting.
"Hey" I say "hey there" he says "oh you bought me a coffee thank you" I say.
"No problem" he says and takes a sip of his frappuccino.
"So you wanted to hang out so what do you wanna do" I say "oh just talk" he says "oh okay" I say.
After a few minutes me and leave and walk around.
"Hey I wanna ask do you wanna be my girlfriend" he says smiling.
"Um I uh look Cameron's callin gotta blast" I say and run to the hotel.
"Hey what happened" Olivia says "um he asked me to be his girlfriend" I say "girlfriend woah baby" she says with a smile on her face.
Jacob's pov:
Okay I'm gonna go in there and tell Lexi that I don't have feelings for her.
I walk in and see her talking and I speak "Lexi I love you" I say "what" she says "I don't know what I'm saying" I say "yeah I can't tell" she says I run outside and she comes behind me.
Lexi's pov:
Jacob came and told me that he loved me or something.
"Um did you hear what he just said he loves you that means he likes youuuuu" she says "I'm gonna go talk to him" I say.
"Hey what happened" I say to Jacob "oh um I just u- "yes I will go out with you" I say.
And hug him "oh okay" he says hugging back and smiling.
Cameron's pov:
Strike 3 my pal "hey what are you doing"Aaron says "watching my little sister" I say with a duh tone.
"Um dude that's weird so hey why don't you and I go pick up some girls huh" he says "no I'd rather get chipotle" I say and leave.
Hey guys make sure to vote and comment sorry I didn't update so I'll try to update again.

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