Chapter 26: movie premiere pt.1

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Lexi's pov:
We flew out to L.A for Matthews movie premiere.
While getting ready I did my make up and hair then I put my dress on.
I look in the mirror I look Gucci af.

I look in the mirror I look Gucci af

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I hear a knock at the door, so  I put down my phone and get up to answer the door

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I hear a knock at the door, so  I put down my phone and get up to answer the door.
"Hey Matt" I say "hey you look goodddd" he says.
Even though me and Matt are friends he looks so hot in his Suit.

I can't even "So are you ready to leave, the limo is here " he says "Yep let's go" I say

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I can't even "So are you ready to leave, the limo is here " he says "Yep let's go" I say.
I laugh.
We get in the limo "Matt I'm scared" I say "Why are you scared" he asks
"What if paparazzi think we're dating then everything goes bazar" I say.
"It's okay I don't care what they say plus we're friends right" he says
"No" I think to myself.
"Yeah" I say he smiles and we arrive "wow" I say "I thought it would be much more smaller" Matt says, laughing
I smile.
We get on to the carpet.
Lexi looked our way.
Lexi is Matts boyfriend.
Lexi looking this way it was just to much pressure, I ran away from Matts arms and rushed to the bathroom.
I looked into the mirror. Looking into the mirror it said slut in lipstick.
I blink one more time nothing was there.
"Ahhhhhhhh" I say and knock over a large plant in the bathroom I put my hands in my hair.
I cry quietly to myself. I felt like I wanted to kill myself, I'm such a slut, I'm a whore, I'm worthless like everyone says.
I go through my bag and find a razor and look at it.
Wanting to cry I cry so hard not wanting to do it.
I know Matt doesn't want me to do it or Cameron or even Jacob.
Aaron has cancer he might die he's Been there for me think of it I kick the stall.
"Noo" I say crying i take the razor and start to cut my arm.
It hurts but that's what only solves the problem.
I can't I cut even more more more and more.
Until everything goes black.
I guess you'll see what will happen next in part 2 find out I think you'll have many thoughts in you head 😂 but vote and comment if you can!

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