Chapter 32: missing you

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Lexi's pov:
I just wanna go home I don't wanna stay here.
I wanna go my own way.( I was totally thinking of high school musical).
"Lex are you feelin okay" Val says.
"Yeah I'm okay I'm gonna get some fresh air" I say.
"Okay stay safe" I say.
I was walking around L.a I felt bad about leaving the movie premiere for Matt.
I had 10 bucks in my pocket so I made as well get some ice cream.
I get a rocky road after eating it I put it in the trash and go back to the hotel.
"I wanna go home why are we even here" I say to Cameron.
"We are Leaving alright cmon lets go home" he says.
I smile with nod and we go home.
"OMG I forgot I have school next week my summer vacation is over O-V-E-R (I got that from geek charming I love that movie ❤️😂😂 but anyway back to the story).
"Well you got to go I know I'm cool and all but you got to go to school cmon your still 14 and your your about to going into high school plus you can't drop out your only 14" he says.
"Ugh I hate you Cameron" I say with a laugh.
"Cmon lets go home" he says we pack out things and leave.
We finally get home "oh thank god I'm back" I say flopping on my bed I was in the mood to watch high school so I just open my tv and watch it and drift off to sleep.
One week later-
Beep beep beep
Omg school again no no no nooooo the first day of high school why my brand new day why not.
I get up and pick an outfit huh I wonder what I should wear I finally find one and get ready and leave,

I get up and pick an outfit huh I wonder what I should wear I finally find one and get ready and leave,

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I slide on my vans and grab my backpack.
"What up Dallas" I say "hey here's your breakfast" he says passing me a plate off bacon home made pancakes and eggs.
"What's wrong are you okay are you on crack" I say whispering at the end.
"Um no" he says.
"Are you sure your acting weird why are you being so nice and I don't even know what you did OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING" I say stuffing my face in the pancakes.
"Matthewisstayingwithus" Cameron says fastly.
"What"'I say I write it down on piece of notebook paper.
"Matthew is staying with US" I say my eyes went huge.
"CAMERON" I yell he jumps "I thought you'd be happy" he says "no I am not I like Matthew but no I came back to get my life back to normal cam" I say "I'm sorry forgot what happened" he says.
"It's okay Cameron but I'm so gonna kill you when I get home" I say.
"Alright here's your lunch" he says I get it and look inside.
"Oh turkey sandwich thanks cam" I say and leave.
I finally get to the school it looked smaller in my head.
"Olivia, Valerie, Caroline" I say hugging them.
"We missed you at the hotel but then we left and crashed at Olivia's place" Caroline says eating a Mc muffin.
"Guys you won't believe what happened" I say "what" they say "matts living with me and Cameron" I said.
"Remind me to come over" Olivia says we laugh and get to class.
My schedule-
Social studies
Alright high school lets see what you got.
Jacob's pov:
"When you got sleep at night when you wake up in the morin and when you walk the halls girl you know you wanna flaunt it" i sang into the mic.
"Alright Jacob that's it for today" my producer says (or whatever they are).
"Jacob you have Interview with good morning America today now lets get you goin" mom says I nod and I get ready.
We arrive, at wave at some fans and get inside.
"I'm Lara spencer with Jacob sartorius and your watching good morning America" she says.
"Oh my god you are so adorable you could be my niece" she says.
I smile . "Alright Jacob so your song sweatshirts coming what inspired you to write it" she says "well actually it was really about this girl that I met on tour of magcon recently" he says.
"Mmhhhh love life" she says.
"So who is this lady in your life" she said
"Her name Lexi, lexi Dallas" I say looking at the camera
Lexi's pov:
I walk to the table where the girls were at people kept looking at me and pointing Um rude.
"Hey guys" I say "did you hear what Jacob said on good morning America" Olivia says panicking but fangirling.
"What" I say "he said the song sweatshirt that's coming out is about you and he even said your name and the whole school knows your the girls who was wearing his sweatshirt" Olivia says.
I drop my trey and leave. "Then you can wear my sweatshirt" Caroline sings.
"Really Caroline" liv says "sorry it's a good song" Caroline says.
I run to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror and look my cuts I look myself in the mirror again.
"I miss you Jacob" I whisper
Wow This is long I thought it' be short it's just I had ideas but anyway I'll be making a book with Matthew and Jacob so it will be like Matthew/ Jacob book so roommates 2 is planned. So I'd like to plan that book so leave some title names please that'd be great have a nice day you guys I love you alllll so much !!!! -kk💕

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