Chapter 17: disneyland pt.1

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Lexis pov:
I wake up and feel a warmth of another body I was about freak out until I remember that Hunter was here. I look up and kiss his cheek to wake him up.
He stirs around around and says "Morning beautiful" he says.
I then remember my nasty breathe so I get up and brush my teeth.
I get ready I did my hair in a nice ponytail I did my make up I just did but lipstick and mascara and eyeshadow.

I get ready I did my hair in a nice ponytail I did my make up I just did but lipstick and mascara and eyeshadow

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I get out and see Hunter I blush because he was shirtless.
"Like what you see" he says "no I've seen better" I say "oh really" he says with a smirk I check him out.
"I was just joking" I say.
He gets ready and lookin sexy he was wearing basketball shorts with a hoodie.
I sit down on he bed and Hunter says "Hey? You wanna go to Disneyland today with rest of magcon?"
"Hell yasssss" I say my face falls about the drama that happened yesterday.
"Please don't let Jacob come" I say.
Hunter's pov:
Oh crap I totally forgot about Jacob I then said " don't worry princess I'll make sure he doesn't."
She smiles at that and oh gawd that beautiful smile of hers.
She runs up to me and says "thank you so much your the best!"
She then kisses my cheek and I blush so bad
I say "okay get your stuff and I'll text the boys!"
"You know Cameron is literally downstairs" I say "oh yeah" he says and goes downstairs.
Lexi's pov:
I grabbed my stuff and I became so excited!! Like why wouldn't I be I'm going to DISNEYLAND! I'm just hoping Jacob doesn't go!
I then here someone walking towards me and they begin to speak
"I already told everyone and they are going to come and pick us up" Hunter said
"Okay!" I say "They are coming at 5:00 and its 12:00 so you wanna watch a movie?" Hunter says "Sure!" "Pick one" I say "let's Rewatch the notebook.
"Wait Hunter?" I said "yes princess" he said
Oh gawd that nickname! I love it! "Ummm... Is you know who coming?" I said looking down.
"No he's not and I made sure of it." He said through gritted teeth.
"Thx again for everything Hunter!" I say "So let's watch that movie" he said
We headed to the living room and decided to watch the notebook.
Halfway through I was crying and looked up to see Hunter crying too. He looked down and placed a sweet gentle kiss on my nose.
I smiled and continued to watch the notebook

I could stay like this all day.
After a few minutes can comes in "alright lovebirds cmon get ready were goin to Disneyland" he says.
I smile "hey you okay" Cameron says looking concerned.
"Yeah I'm good" I say "alright" he say with with a smile.
I put on my outfit

And go downstairs we get in the car with the boys and drive to Disney

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And go downstairs we get in the car with the boys and drive to Disney.
Once we got their we got a held of all the boys until I saw JACOB!
Hey guys make sure to vote and comment alright so Ayeitzamy and MarelinPerez9202 I will be putting you guys in the book I trailed off and forgot so I will just send me a photo again please and will get set I'll to update tommrow so yeah night guys!

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