Chapter 14: halloween pt.2

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Lexi's pov:
We were walking around until we found Johnny.
"Where were you Johnny I was worried sick" jade says hugging him.
I had a pain in my stomach of jealousy "will see you at the venue" jade says walking away "okay" I say.
Johnny was a good looking guy but I have Jacob why don't I act lovely around Jacob to make Johnny jealous great Idea Lexi.
"Hey Jacob babe" I say putting my arms around his neck.
"Hey lex what's up" he says kissing my cheek.
"So I was wondering if we can go to the beach with the boys and we can walk around the beach" I say putting Jacobs hands on my waist.
"Anything for my girl" he said I smile I see from the corner Johnny looking at us.
Score Lexi!
Jacobs pov:
"Hey I'll be right back okay" I say to Lexi "alright" she said kissing my cheek.
"Hey Johnny" I say "yeah what's up" he says.
"What ever game you and Lexi are playing quit it stop flirting" I said with anger.
"What do you mean Jacob I wasn't flirting" he says. "Yeah okay" i say "dude wait" he says I walk away.
Johnny's pov:
"Jade babe um Jacob told me that I was flirting with Lexi and he said like quit and stop an stay away.
"Wait what my own best friend was flirting with you" she says "jade calm down okay" I said "no I'm coming back" she says.
Lexi's pov:
Then jade comes to me "hey Jade" I say "stop flirting with Johnny and trying to act all lovely dovy" she snaps.
"Woah what do you mean I wasn't flirting" I say.
"Yeah um kissing Jacob in front of him trying to make him jealous and go with you" she says "well that's not really flirting" I said.
"What is going on with you" she says "what's going on with you!" I say.
She looks at me and jumps on causing by having a fight.
People gather is trying to get us off.
"Hey hey" Olivia says trying to get off.
I'm stuck with twist ankle and jade with a black eye.
"What's wrong were going back to the hotel" Olivia says.
"Caroline take Jade to the room" I say she nods.
"What has gotten in to you" she says "nothing" I say "cmon put this on" she says handing me a outfit.

"What has gotten in to you" she says "nothing" I say "cmon put this on" she says handing me a outfit

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I put it on and wrap my ankle "is it okay" Olivia says "yeah it just hurts" I say trying not to cry.
"Hey it's okay you didn't mean to you got jealous and you did a stupid thing and Jade will forgive you soon" Olivia says hugging me.
There was a knock on the door "I'll open it" Olivia says "okay" I say outing ice on my foot.
"Um Lexi it's for you" she says "um do you think I can walk" I say.
Jacob walks in "we need to talk Lexi" Jacob says I nod with a gulp "alone" he says turning to Olivia.
"Oh right sorry" she says and leaves.
"Yes" I say "what kind of behavior was that" Jacob says I look down "and you broke your ankle your lucky Cameron hasn't found out yet" he said he gets up and puts his arms on his head.
He sighs he sits down and just hugs me he was about to cry I knew he was gonna break up with me I knew it.
I'm on the edge to crying he holds my hand "Lexi I have spent these couple days and they were great we started to date and then magical things happened but I'm going to Virginia to give me some time and you some time, so call me and tell me who you wanna pick me or Johnny" he says "Jacob" I say crying.
"I know it's just we need some space" he says.
Tears roll down my cheek he kisses me and leaves and says "I'll miss you Lexi"
I start to cry and fall on the floor Olivia comes in and picks me up I cry harder on her shoulder.
I heard a knock at the door I get up and walk carefully to the door.
I open it and a large figure was standing infort and grabs me.
I scream and I starts to cut my arms I scream harder.
"LEXI LEXI LEXI" I hear I open my eyes and see Cameron.
"It's okay I'm here I heard what happened in not mad okay you my baby sister I don't want you to get hurt" he says and hugs me I cry in his shoulder.
As we stand in the darkness he gets in my bed and stays until I fall asleep.
The next day:
I wake up my the sound of the boys Jade went home without saying a goodbye I deserved it anyway.
"Hey wake up" Cameron says "no" I groan cmon were goin home. Plus in 2 weeks were going to the presidential dinner.
I groan and get up I put on my outfit we get I say bye to the boys and we leave.

We get to the airport I was sick I had a funny noise my voice sounded like my voice cracked over and over again

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We get to the airport I was sick I had a funny noise my voice sounded like my voice cracked over and over again.
"Hey Cameron can you get me something to eat I'm hungry" I said "yeah who would you like" he says looking around I smack his arm and laugh he fed up and gets me chick fi la.
I was reading this magazine then an old lady sat next to me she looks at me and she smiles at me I smile back.
"Haven a rough time with boyfriend and girlfriends" she says "yeah" I say with a laugh "the best way to fix everything is doing it" she says "what do you mean by doing it" I say.
"Well if you wanna get back with them like he old times if you were in problem now would you fix it huh the last time you fixed something like that same thing you would do do with this" she says.
"New York aborading now" the lady says "well that's me and I hope you fix that Lexi your a very nice young lady have a nice day" she says and leaves.
Wait how'd she know my name woahhhhhhh.
Cameron comes back with the food and I eat.
We get on the plane and go to low angles.
We get there drive home I go up to my room and start unpacking.
I lay on my bed and I sigh I better go to sleep I go school tomorrow.
I take off my clothes and put my night wear I go on Twitter and fall asleep.
Hey guys I am really really sorry for not updating I've been really busy with school. I have a freakin F in math it was a perfect D but guess what I forgot to finish the half of my homework I did my homework and she better check to bring it to D again as I said I feel really guilty saying I'm gonna update and I just don't do it depends if I feel like yesterday I had huge headache and thought i was gonna updated but I the headache so I don't know when will be staring the schedule on the 20th that's when I go to dance so yeah goodnight
-Kaisha 💕

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