Chapter 12: birthday

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Lexi's pov:
Jacob went staright to the hospital me and Cameron and the rest of the guys.
We got there and we were in the waiting room
I was realizing that what could of happened why would it effect him I was just confused
Waiting for an hour the doctor finally comes in.
"Doctor is he okay" I say "yes yes he was just a little light headed and he fainted but he had these bloody bite marks on the side of his stomach it was dry blood but he's ready to go. Doctor says
"Hey" Jacob says walking towards us "Jacob" I said and hugged him "ow" he says in pain "oh sorry" I say.
"It's all right lex" he says kissing my check.
"We better take you back" Cameron says "so you can rest" Johnny says he nods and go to the hotel Jacob falls asleep in his bed I tuck him in and kiss his forehead and he smiles.
"Hey jade have you got my balloons" I say "yeah there right here" she says pointing to the balloons.
We start blowing them up "hey Olivia go with Caroline go get the cake across the street please you can just walk" I say "alright" they say.
"Val tonight you gotta look pumped up pretty for hunta and gotta be his present for tonight" I say.
"That sounded wrong" she says "whatever" I say.
We get all the tables set up and the stage crew.
"Alright band here and all right I'm finish" Jade says.
"Aright girlssss now for dress up in our room of course" I say we laugh we all get ready and put on our outfits.

"Aright girlssss now for dress up in our room of course" I say we laugh we all get ready  and put on our outfits

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"Alright girls ready" Olivia yells "pumped and were siked" I say.
"Hey aren't you singing a song from Selena q" Jade says.
"Yeah I'm kinda nervous but I'm ready so I'm siked" I say.
"Alright good luck" she says "ALRIGHT EVERYONE WHEN HUNTER WALKS IN WILL YELL SURPRISE" I shout they all nod we hide and turn off the lights.
I could here Jacob coming in with Hunter "what are we doing" I hear "this" Jacob says and opens the door.
"SURPRISE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We yell
"Guys you did this all for me" he says trying lot to tear up.
And they all pointed at me, Valerie, Olivia, Caroline, and Jade.
"You guys did his bring it in" he says and hugs us "well let's get this party started" I yell we go out to the dance floor and dance floor I see Cameron.
"Cam I'm gonna get ready for my song so introduce it" I say "alright sis" he says.
"Attention ladies and gentlemen my beautiful baby sis Lexi Dallas will be singing I could fall I love by Selena q one of her favorite songs" he says and plays the music and everyone looks at me.
I take big breathe
Music plays
I could lose my heart
Tonight if you don't turn away and walk away
Cause the way I feel tonight I feel I might lose control and let you stay
Cause I could take you in my arm
And never let you go
I could fall In love with you
I could fall in love with you
After I finish the song everyone was amazed I loved dancing but I had passion for singing.
I go to Hunter and hug him.
"Thanks Lexi that was awesome" he says "thanks" I say.
I go to Jacob and hug him "wow you were amazing up there" he says "thanks" I say "wanna go walk" I say "yeah sure" he says we go walk and see a river.
"The sky is so nice isn't in it" he says "yeah Jacob it is" I say looking at him.
He looks back and smiles "you know when my father died when I was six um and uh he was just uh" he says trying not to hear the stutter in his voice.
(That is true fact his dad died when he was 6 but his mom remarried).
"And when my mom wanna re marry I was mad and it's just that it's different but but when I got used to it I started calling him dad and tried not to think about my other" he cried "oh Jacob" I say and hug him and cry.
"I'm gonna tell you something that I have never told anyone" I say sniffling.
He nods and we sit on the grass.
"When my moms mother was alive she was sweet awesome she left a tape for me and I'd watch them when I'm sad and like the day when the titanic sailed in she wanted to come to NY  to see my mom" I say tearing up.
( sorry don't judge me running out of ideas)
"But she didn't make it because the iceberg she was on 3rd class and she couldn't anymore and she just jumped off the boat" I say crying.
"It's okay shhhh" Jacob said leaning me to his chest.
"I never met her" I say still crying "I love you" Jacob says "I love you too" I say and kiss him.
Johnny's pov:
I was walking around the city and I saw Jacob and Lexi I was gonna say hi until they kissed.
I frowned I turn around and bump into someone.
"I'm so sorry" I say "oh its okay oh hey Johnny" the girl says it's was lexis freind Jade.
"Hi" I blushed she smiles we talk for a while she has the most beautiful smile.
I think I found my dream girl.
Hey guys make sure to vote and comment j did this for you guys and it's 11:00 and it shows how much I care about you Guys so make sure to enter the contest if you haven't already just go to my chapters and you'll see the contest and you'll find the information there.

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