Chapter 50: The secert

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Lexi's pov-
I wake up and get ready for the day.
I go downstairs and see Jacob.
For the past 2 months me and Jacob are trying to have a baby but I'm not pregnant.
"Babe why don't you just go to the bathroom and figure out what's happening" Jacob says.
"Jacob I don't wanna go since what happened to me 2 year ago" I said.
"Why don't you wanna go tell me the reason you can't go" he says.
"Jacob I don't feel comfortable saying okay,  Can we just adopt a kid" I said.
"Babe just tell me why" Jacob said "Jacob I'm not telling" I said.
He sighs and goes upstairs. The only person who knows my secret is Cameron and my mom.
Jacob's pov-
"Why not call Cameron to see if he knows" I say I call Cameron.
"Hello"Cameron says "hey Cameron So me and Lexi have been wanting to have a kid and for some odd reason when we try she's not pregnant" I said.
"Oh dude um Lexi has had a bad experience with doctors and it's a really big secret you can not tell Lexi" Cameron said.
"Yeah I won't tell her I promise" I say

"WHAT" I yell
Hi peopleeee sorry for short chapter I'm so sorry for not updating since November 11 and it's December 7. So I'm so sorry I'll be updating again I'm on this field trip to fau so I had some time👌

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