Chapter 43: everythings back to normal

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Jacobs pov:
We both look and see Luna shoot I was still dating her.
"Jacob what the heck" Luna says "I can't do this anymore".
"Lexi I'm sorry but me and Jacob are dating" Luna says.
"W-what" Lexi says "Lexi" I said "no Jacob I don't care" she says and leaves.
"It was for the beast Jacob and maybe we should break up I think we should just stay as friends buddy" Luna explained.
I nod she walks away I put my hands in my face.
Lexi's pov-
I walk home as I arrive I see Cameron with one of his sluts.
"Where have you been" he says I ignore him and walk away.
I knock over everything off my  desk.
I start to cry but I knew crying wouldn't help or cutting or anything.
So I just took a nap and listened to music.
1 hour later-
"Lexi you have a visitor" cam said I nod my head and i go downstairs.
I see Jacob "what is he doing here" I say "I promise you won't regret it" cam says and walks away.
I sigh "Lexi I'm really really sorry and I wrote this song for you" he says.
Another song really.
He sings his song hit or miss.
"Lexi please forgive me when we weren't together I thought you'd be in my sweatshirt. Video but we used someone else because yeah you didn't want to be in it because we were broken up" he says.
I look down "I'm sorry too" I say he picks up my chin.
I smile a little he hugs me.
I cry onto his shoulder "why are you crying" he says "because all the stuff that I did or say to you I just feel so bad" I said.
"It's okay and this time no ones stoping us promise" he says
Hey guyssssss sorry for not updating but I had time this weekend plus I'm publishing another chapter and you guys are gonna like it !

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