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Jacobs pov-
I was getting ready for Lexi and Cameron's funeral.
I go downstairs take my keys and drive to the cemetery.
I see my mom and dad and the Dallas family.
Everyone starts to crying but I keep in my tears.
"Jacob would you like to speak" my mom says.
I nod.
"Hey everyone today we lost two important people in our lives, but we all know they'll be in a better place. I thought when me and Lexi have a kid, when the little thing would get born I would just hold that little one in my arms and say this is my baby this is my baby, but unfortunately that night we lost the baby and that night that's when we lost these two amazing people. I know they are listening to us right now so Lexi Cameron we love you and we will miss you" I say.
And everyone cheers and claps.
They start putting the coffins underground.
I start to cry.
"It's okay" momma Dallas says to me.
I sigh.
After the funeral I go home and take a shower.
After taking a shower I go downstairs to see tons of flowers at my doorstep.
I open the door and pick up the few flowers and bring them inside.
The card said sorry for you lost.
I sigh and put them in water.
For the past few days I've been a mess
The house is barley clean and I'm so sick and I just can't do anything.
I'm in so much pain right now and I don't know what to do about it.
I'm lost.
I've lost something that has kept me up for years.
I'm hurt.
I need to be with her.
I don't wanna be here anymore.
I go to the kitchen cabinets and take these random pills out and go upstairs and start putting them in mouth like if it was candy.

Caroline's pov-
(Jacobs sister you all may know that anyway)
Mom sent me to go check up Jacob every 2 hours to see how he's doing.
I drive to his house and park.
I walk up to his doorstep and ring the doorbell
After waiting 2 minutes I do it again.
He still didn't answer the door his car was still parked outside so he didn't go anywhere.
I call him 3 times he didn't answer I see that door was open.
I walk and start to worry.
"Jacob" I say no answer I go upstairs I open the door to his room.
I see him laying down with pills in his hand and his eyes we're closed.
I walkover to him "Jacob" I say shaking him "Jacob" I say again.
"Jacob" I say with tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Oh my god Jacob" I say and dial 911.
"Hello what's your emergency" the lady says on the other line.
"My b-brother Jacob sartorius he's dead" i said.
Channel 7-  Jacob sartorius just yesterday at 9:33
Caroline pov-
Jacob was on every news channel there could ever be.
Not legend.
Not a star.
Not someone who have up.
Just a guy with a phone and big dreams.
Sadly magcon has come to an end I'm starting a new book called his assistant it's gonna be a Cameron Dallas story so be looking forward to that.
I hope you enjoyed this amazing story or lame however you wanna call it.
I think my new book will be up next Monday or Tuesday.
I wanted to write a Cameron Dallas story because I was watching chasing Cameron and I don't know I just wanted to one. Chasing Cameron is really good because you get to see what's all behind the stuff so yeah.
I hope you enjoyed my story!💓

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