Chapter 39: funeral

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Lexi's pov-
I wake up in the middle of the bathroom floor I get up.
"Lexi" Cameron says walking in "hi" I say "get ready for the funeral" he says.
"Okay" I say and get ready.
I wear a black a dress and white heels and curl my hair I do my make up.
I look in the mirror and sigh.
"Ready" Cameron says. I nod and we leave.
We arrive.
I was gonna give a speech and I was bit nervous. I go up to the podium "Hi as you all know I'm Jacobs girlfriend" I say.
"It's been tough I didn't know something like this would happen but it did but life's to short" I say.
"Just enjoy life and that's what he did and I'll miss him every single day thank you" I say and everyone claps.
I sit down "you were very good up there" Cameron says.
"Thanks" I say.
I put a flower in Jacobs casket. And smile and then kiss cheek.
Cameron rubs my back and a tear rolls down my cheek.
"He's in a better place now" Cameron says I nod and cry in his chest.
We all go back to the hotel.
"Ready go home" Cameron says "yeah" I say getting my bag.
"Alright let's go" he says we leave.
We were sitting waiting out flight.
Then we here a gun shot "what was that" I say.
"EVERYBODY GET DOWN" a lady says.
Everybody gets down and what's to know what's going on.
"Cameron what's happening" I whisper "I think there's a shooting outside" cam says.
I sigh and all of us wait in there for about 2 hours.
We were clear and we had a safe flight
I have to go to freakin  school tomorrow I hate that place.
My head starts to hurt so I take a nap.
Next day-
I wake up in my bed I groan and go downstairs "Cameron" I say "Lexi I don't want you to go to school for the whole week" he says "okay" I say I wanna know know why he doesn't want me to go for the whole week that's odd.
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