Chapter 10:seattle

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Lexi's pov:
Today we are going to Seattle I can not wait we have a special guest.
His name is Johnny Orlando he's just so adorable you just can't say no to that face.

His name is Johnny Orlando he's just so adorable you just can't say no to that face

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I saw him at the kcas he was lookin Fire.
I get ready I put on my shorts and my Cameron Dallas hoodie with my blue keds and get out of the hotel room.
"Hey j money" I say "hey babe" Jacob says and kisses me.
"I'm gonna call Johnny j money now" I say "Ithought I was j money" he pouts "well to bad" I say. He laughs "are you guys ready" Tay says.
"Yeah" we say we get to the airport.
Seattle here we come.
2 hours later:
"We're finally here" I say jumping "alright alright" Cameron says "hey where's Johnny" I say.
"Oh he's meeting us up at the hotel" Cameron said.
"Alright" I said.
We get in the car and drive to the hotel "finally were here now where's Johnny" I say "he's inside" cam says.
(Jacob is not in this I don't care if he was in the Seattle thing so just deal with it there's drama).
"Yass" I say and go inside "where's Johnny" I say to myself.
Dang look at that kid in that nice black jeans he's pretty cute.
He's looking at me he's smiling he comes to me WHAT.
"Lexi" he says "Johnny" I say "yep it's me" he says "last time I saw you you were like short" I say.
"Well I've grown" he laughs.
"Where's Jacob" he says "oh he went home for a few days" I say "oh I was looking forward to meeting him" he says.
I smile "well see you later and you look good" he says.
"Thanks" I blush.
"Lexi" I hear I scream "woah it's just me Jade" Jade says.
"Oh hey jade is Olivia or Caroline with you" I say "yeah but they went down to go get something to eat what's wrong" she says "well um I saw Johnny and when I say him I thought he would be still cute and adorable but now he's hot and adorable I just can't" I say putting my hands into my face.
"Remember you only love Jacob" Jade says "yeah I do" I say "well cmon lets get you a hamburger" she says "alright" I say "hey caroli- woah you were Hungry" I say. "What" she says with a bunch a fries in her mouth we all laugh.
"Val I was wondering if you can help me with hunters party" I say.
"Oh yeah sure loved too" she says "cmon I asked because I know you like him" I say.
"Aright alright I do but don't tell anyone" she says "VAL LIKES HUNTER" I yell.
"Oh gosh" she says
Johnny's pov:
What if I do like Lexi will people hate me will cam Hate me.
Then my sister Lauren comes in the room ⬇️

"Hey Lauren can I ask you something" I say "yeah what is it Johnny" she says "have you ever like someone and just wanted to tell them that you like them" i say "you like Lexi I knew it hey take it cool don't go to liking it loving keep and take it...

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"Hey Lauren can I ask you something" I say "yeah what is it Johnny" she says "have you ever like someone and just wanted to tell them that you like them" i say "you like Lexi I knew it hey take it cool don't go to liking it loving keep and take it cool alright alright" she says and leaves.
"Alright keep keep it cool" I whisper.
Hey guys sorry for not updating make sure to vote and comment and I'm not doing the q and a I'll be doing a contest instead that sounds fun Kaisha.
There will be 3 winners comment down some like things for winners and I'll update maybe tommrow or wensday.
Almost forgot about updating um next month I won't be update sometimes starting on May 20th because I'll have dance Monday Tuesday and wensday so maybe I'll update only on Fridays so that's how my schedule is gonna be.
Happy readings!

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