Chapter 29: i love you

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Jacob's pov:
There were ambulances around us I figured what was going on.
The boys take us back to our hotel.
"Hey Aaron what's going on" I say "oh um-" he says getting cut off my his phone ringing.
"Hold that thought" Aaron says.
"Yeah......what.......k see ya there" he says and hangs up the phone.
"What's going on" I say "Lexi's in the hospital" Aaron says.
"What why" I say "she cut" Aaron says.
"Wait what" I say I go inside my hotel room.
"Ughhhhhh" I say knocking over my drink.
Why does is it have to happen Lexi huh why not me.
"Ahhhhhh" I say and knock over everything on my desk I slide down the wall and cry.
Matt's pov:
"Mr. Espinosa" the doctor says.
I wake up causing me to fall on the floor "um yeah that's me" I say getting up.
"Right over here" the doc says we walk to the room and he opens it.
"I'll leave you too alone" she says and closes the door.
"Matthew" she says "yeah" I say "I-I love you" she says
I was stunned at what she said.
Hey guys make sure to vote and comment I'll try to update at the time I update at school.
So have an awesome night and Jacobs video was lit!😂💕 and sorry for short chapter I have been making short chapters as soon as I get off from school I'll have longer chapters and plus I will not be updating on Thursday because I have tutoring!

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