Chapter 23: news just gets worse

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Lexi's pov:
I open and the door and see Cameron "we have a problem" he says "what is it" I say.
"Um well This may be hard but Jacob is in a coma" Cameron says.
"He's in a WHAT?!?" I say with a tear rolling down my cheek.
"I guess he was in the car with an uber driving back to the hotel and then they got in an accident and I guess Jacob hit his head very hard on the window" cam says.
"This is horrible how hard can life get" I say.
Aaron walks in "why so glum" I say "guys I'm diagnosed with cancer" he says I faint.
"Ahhhhh" I scream and wake up I was sweating I see Matt next to me just sleeping.
"Thank god it was a dream" I whisper I get up and go to the bathroom and wash my face.
It was 8am.
Then the phone ranged Matthew picks it up.
He gets up with a concerned face.
"What" he says.
"Yeah will be right over there" he says and hangs up.
"What happened" I say "Cameron's in major car accident and he hasn't woken up yet" Matt says putting on his slippers.
"Okay let's go" I say.
We drive to the hospital
We get to his room "Cameron" I say crying "wake up" I say "wake up".
"It's okay" Matt says "it's not he's gonna die he won't wake up" I say sobbing into matts chest.
"It's okay baby girl it's okay" he says.
All the crew of magcon is here except Jacob.
I wonder if he still loves me.
2 hours later
"Doctor has he waken up yet" I say "um no he hasn't" Doctor says.
"This can't happen Matt he's gonna die no no no" I say.
"Please please he can't noooooo" I say.
"If he doesn't wake up in an hour he'll may die" Doctor says.
"No no no" I say running back and forth.
Matt pulls me aside "hey look at me" Matt says I look at Matt.
"Everything's going to be okay alright" Matt says.
"No it's not" I say "yes it is okay just think positive alright" Matt says I nod and cry in his chest.
I see Marelin "hey what are you doing here" I say.
"Just came to check up on your bro cam I'm sorry" she says and Hugs I cry in her shoulder.
"Let it all out girl" she says I cry even more.
After an hour we here from the doctor.
"Congrats guys cam just woke up" the doctor says.
"Really" I say "yep" doc says we go to his room.
"Cameron" I say and hug him really really tight.
"Hey baby sis" he says "I thought you were going to die" I say.
"He laughs but I wasn't.
"Thank god I love you cam" I say "I love you too sis."
As me and the rest the boys go back to the hotel.
We see Aaron with red eyes
"Aaron what's wrong" I say "guys I'm have  cancer" he says
All of our jaws drop.
This makes me want to cry drop a vote and comment as well I'll be updating tomorrow or Monday morning don't know yet.
And should I make a Matthew Espinosa fanfic after roommates 2?

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