Chapter 2 (Just revised)

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Roan Addison was focused and business driven.  He didn't have time for stupid people or people that wasted his time.

That's why his business and he were so successful.  He also knew it was important to treat those he surrounded himself with properly. 

They would remain productive and loyal.  Those were the most important things to him; especially being loyal. 

He was 6'2, very athletic build, worked out constantly, blonde hair and penetrating ice blue eyes.  He had one vice...tattoos. 

He had colorful bicep sleeves, one around his lower neck and side tattoos that wrapped around to his back. 

When dressed in his designer suits no one would ever know what lay beneath, but when he was in down time, which was almost never, he was pure sex. 

Smoldering sexuality on legs.  Every woman wanted to be with him and every man wanted to be him. 

For his age, 30, he'd accomplished what took most a lifetime.  He worked hard in college, didn't really take time to party; the focus and drive was indoctrinated into him from a very young age. 

He'd lost his father two years earlier but would always be thankful for the work ethic that he instilled in him and his twin brother, Cade. 

They had a younger sister, Elena, who was finishing her senior year at Columbia.  They were very proud of her and she would most assuredly find a job at his company after graduation.

Roan had just finished putting his tie on when his cell phone rang.  It was always ringing.  It was just part of who he was. 

"Roan Addison" his sexy gravely voice answered. 

It was his assistant Kathleen.  She was in her early 50's and she helped keep him together and kept his office running smoothly. 

She was a Godsend plus he didn't have to be worried about her wanting something from him as he would a younger woman. 

She was reminding him of his morning appointments, that were out of the office and that she'd secured a car for him to take him everywhere he needed to go.  "

"What would I do without you?" Kathleen just laughed.  She knew she took very good care of him, almost like he was her own son. 

She'd been with him from the beginning and he in turn took very good care of her.  They chatted some more and then hung up.  His intercom rang. 

"Mr. Addison, this is Charles from your car service.  I am downstairs and ready for you at your convenience sir." 

Roan thanked the man and said he would be down shortly. 

Satisfied with his appearance, a black tailored Armani suit, black dress shirt and gray tie. 

His taste was impeccable and he could afford for it to be as he slipped his Rolex onto his right wrist. 

Charles held the door open for Roan as he climbed into the car.  It was a 2016 black Audi S7 sedan. 

He would definitely have to give Kathleen a bonus.  He liked her choice of car for him. 

His cell rang again.  "Roan Addison" he answered.  It was his twin brother Cade. 

They were identical twins in looks only.  Cade couldn't have been more different than Roan. 

Cade got his mother's personality and charm while Roan got his dad's 'work hard' ethic and not so much of the charm. 

He wasn't rude by any means but time was money and he didn't waste either.  He and Cade had both gone to the same university and it was Cade that helped Roan's company be the mega tech giant that it was today. 

That's why Roan had chosen him to be the COO and their best friend and cousin Justin Addison was the CFO. 

He kept it all in the family, people that he knew he could trust. 

"What's up brother?" Cade asked cheerfully.  Roan rolled his eyes. 

He loved his brother dearly but sometimes the 'Mary Sunshine' tone could be too much. 

"Good morning Cade" Roan said rolling his eyes again.  "What do you need?  I'm on my way to a meeting." 

Cade told his brother that Lisbeth was coming home and that they wanted to get together with him at Leviathan night after next. 

Friday night's were usually the night's Roan tried to relax.  "I think that's doable" Roan said and then asked about Lisbeth's trip. 

Roan really liked her and thought she was perfect for his brother.  She didn't want him for his money, which was rare in this day and age and she'd taken her personal vacation and used it to help a friend in need. 

That was admirable in his eyes.  They spoke some more and then Cade outlined his day and asked if there was anything that had popped up that needed his attention. 

"I'm meeting with the board of Branson Tech and I want to make sure that legal did their due diligence on the operations." 

Cade said he was on it and would check back with him shortly.

Roan's car pulled up outside of Branson and Charles jumped out and got the door for him. 

"Mr. Addison I will take care of getting the parking validated. 

Here is my card so you can contact me when you are ready for me to pull back up here and pick you up. 

Have a good meeting sir." 

Kathleen would get an extra added bonus.  He liked this car service, particularly his driver Charles. 

He wondered if he could entice him to come and drive for him permanently.  "

"Thank you Charles.  I will see you soon."  And with that Roan was up the stairs and inside the building. 

Roan came out of his meeting smiling.  Not only had his legal department done their due diligence but this merger was going to be a money maker and advantageous to not only Addison Tech but the employees of Branson. 

Roan had no desire to dismantle the company but to come in and shore it up. 

He didn't believe in putting people out of their jobs but making what they did successful. 

Charles had him in the car and on his way to his next appointment.  They would arrive twenty minutes early so Roan decided to give Charles a business proposition. 

"Charles what would you say if I asked you to come and work for me?  Being my personal driver?  You would get paid holidays, benefits immediately, PTO and I would start you off at $80k per year?" 

Charles couldn't believe this blessing.  He'd just found out that today would be his last day working for the car service.  They were downsizing personnel.  "

"Mr. Addison, you have yourself a personal driver, sir." The men shook hands and Roan told him to come up with him later to the personnel office and get the paperwork done and out of the way. 

Today was a very good day.

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