Chapter 43 (Just revised)

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(Third Person POV)

Sienna and Roan continued to talk and even though what they discussed did not trigger anything for her yet, she felt completely comfortable with him, even enjoyed talking with him. 

 She cleared her throat and shyly said "I am assuming that when I get released I will be coming home with you?"  Roan hadn't even thought that far but her observation did make him stop and think.  

He scratched his head, looking up at her and said "I do not want to make you feel uncomfortable at all; I will leave this up to you.  But, I will be completely honest with you when I say I would love for you to come home.  It would most definitely not be the same without you there." 

 He studied her reaction to what he'd just declared.  She didn't seem put off or intimidated by the thought; could he hold out hope that she would?  Sienna listened carefully to what he'd just said.  Could she do that to him or herself?  What if something in their apartment could trigger her memories and help bring her back?  She didn't want to jeopardize that opportunity. 

 She turned slightly to the left to face him more and said "I can tell by what everyone has been telling me and how you are talking to me now that we obviously love one another.  My mother and sister trust you and your brother, which is more than enough for me.  I don't want to miss the chance that something at home could trigger my memories by being scared.  I will  come home with you, if you still want me to."  

Roan wanted to stand up and yell and shout at the happiness her words brought, but instead he answered softly "I really do want you to come home."  Her smile melted his heart and for the first time since her attack he felt like everything would be okay. 

It had been two weeks since Sienna was released from the hospital and had come home.  Roan was adamant about working from home and not leaving Sienna alone or with anyone other than himself to care for her.  At first she'd been unsure about sleeping in the same bed as him but when he promised to put a pillow in between them and wear a shirt with his pajama bottoms he could feel the relief roll off of her in waves.

  He also remembered her walking into the bathroom right as he was getting out of the shower, dripping wet and naked, she blushed and turned so fast she almost hit the wall trying to get out of the bathroom.  He couldn't help but smirk at her shyness.  He never prayed much, but had been doing a lot of internal praying since they'd gotten home and it was always the same thing:  her memory, please God let it come back.  

Her mom had talked with her about having a small get-together for friends from work and she'd reluctantly agreed.  Late that afternoon Roan found her in the closet looking through her clothes.  She seemed a little frustrated and agitated. 

 "Are you okay?" he asked softly.  She shook her head, not turning around to look at him afraid she would break down.  He walked up to her and gingerly put his hands on her shoulders; she tensed for a moment and then relaxed.  He turned her around and lifted her chin with his finger.  How he'd missed looking into her beautiful eyes. 

 "Don't be too hard on yourself Si.  It's just going to take time" he said gently.  She looked at him imploringly. 

 "How can you be so calm?" she asked.  "I know you're just as frustrated as I am" she said dejectedly.

  "I have faith baby, in you" he said sweetly.  That remark earned him a smile.  He tentatively bent down and bestowed a sweet kiss on her forehead and then turned around before his flesh got the best of him and her took her on the floor of their closet.

It was six o'clock and the party was supposed to start at seven.  Sienna had found a cute denim, strapless knee length dress and paired it with some denim sandals, she curled her hair in big soft curls and did light make up and a few squirts of her Pink Beach Weekend perfume from Victoria's Secrets.  She was quite happy with how she looked and walked into their room to see Roan in the middle of changing.  He had dark denim jeans on, they weren't buttoned and a wine colored button up dress shirt that was opened. 

 She hadn't meant to stare but he was just so gorgeous she couldn't help it.  She looked up as her green eyes met blue eyes and she blushed.  

"I'm so sorry" she stammered.  He caught her hand as she tried to turn away.

  "Sienna" he said gently.  "It's okay.  There's nothing wrong with you looking at me like that.  We are engaged.  I know you don't remember but please don't be embarrassed."  His words brought her comfort but she still couldn't help feeling ashamed of gawking at him.  She walked back into the bathroom for another quick glance and then she looked down at her ring.  It was gorgeous.  He certainly knew what her taste were.  He'd picked out what she would have chosen for herself.  She sighed as she left the bathroom. 

 "I am going to go prepare to meet our guest" she said to Roan. 

 "Okay" he called back.

People started trickling in.  Of course Cade and Lisbeth had elected to stay until her and Roan felt comfortable enough and to be honest he was going to tell them tonight if they wanted to go back to their apartment he was okay with that.

  It was eight o'clock now and the party was in full swing; Ginni, Sienna's assistant from work, seemed really sweet and she enjoyed talking to her; her mom, Lisbeth, Cade, even Charlie had come with his wife, Camille.  Sienna seemed to be enjoying herself and having fun.  She'd even danced with Roan some and it felt...comfortable.  

She had excused herself to go to the restroom and while she was standing at the lavatory, washing her hands, she noticed Roan's cologne and for whatever reason she picked it up and smelled it.

It felt like a lightening bolt had hit her so she smelled it again, put it down and all but ran out of the room.  She searched the room for him until she spotted him by the bar.  Stalking towards him and before he knew what hit him, she grabbed him and kissed him passionately. 

 To say he was shocked would be an understatement.  He pulled back and looked confused as she said with tears in her eyes and before a shocked and silent room "I remember everything!"

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