Chapter 5 (Just revised)

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****(Lisbeth and Sienna's POV)

Leviathan was jumping. Lisbeth said that Friday nights the club was closed to outsiders, only employees of Addison Technologies were allowed on Friday nights.

One of the perks of working for Roan Addison. So while it was crowded it was not overly so. You could move around comfortably and what was even better was you could dance and not worry about dancing on top of someone else.

Lisbeth said that they would be in the VIP lounge and Sienna followed her up the stairs so they could put their purses in lockers.

Lisbeth said that Cade would be arriving shortly. "Does Roan ever come here?" Sienna asked.

Lisbeth shrugged. "It just depends on his schedule. I think Cade said he would be here tonight though."

Lisbeth got her a beer while Sienna took a sparkling water. Growing up with an abusive alcoholic step father turned her off to the stuff period.

Her friend always understood and never pushed it with her either. Lisbeth was an amazing friend, sister, and woman.

She was 5'9, long black curly hair, dark brown eyes and the body of a model. Her dad was French while her mom was of Brazilian descendants. That's why she was so exotic looking.

She had chosen a form fitting red dress and black heels for her outfit tonight and she totally rocked it.

"You know Cade won't be able to keep his hands off you tonight" Sienna joked with her sister. "

"That's what I was going for!" Lisbeth said laughing at her.

"You ready to throw some shapes?" She asked Sienna.  "Ready" Sienna said as they headed down to the dance floor.
*******(Cade and Roan's POV)
Cade and Roan arrived at Leviathan fifteen minutes later and made their way up the back stairs to the VIP section.

"Do you see Lisbeth?" Roan asked his brother. Cade was at the railing looking for his fiance.

"Yeah I see her. She's dancing with Sienna" Cade answered back. Then Roan walked to the railing.

"Who's Sienna?" he questioned.

Cade explained to his brother this was the personthat Lisbeth had gone to help out.

Roan searched the crowd for Lisbeth, found her and then saw the beautiful creature from the elevator earlier.

"How did she come to be here?" Roan asked.

"Liv hired her today. She is taking the second Sr. Accountant position. She graduated from Stanford with Lisbeth.

She has her MBA in Accounting. She's a smart girl considering the shit she's been through."

Roan's curiosity got the best of him. "What shit is that?"

Cade shook his head. "Not my story to tell man but I will tell you this, she's not like your usual girls so don't go after her trying to hit it."

Roan was a little surprised at his brother's impassioned outburst. Now he really wanted to get to know this girl.

****(Sienna and Lisbeth's POV)

Lisbeth and Sienna were having a blast.

She couldn't remember the last time she had such fun.

The DJ switched tactics and decided to play some Lady Gaga. It didn't matter what song you could always get down and dirty with her.

He chose Sexx Dreams and Sienna hated to admit it but she loved this song in a club setting.

The bass and lyrics really spoke to her, making her body do and feel things she normally wouldn't. It offered her escape.

Her body kind of took over and she was just a willing passenger at this point.

She hadn't realized that she was now facing the same VIP area that the twins were occupying, that eyes were on her.

Her hands above her head, hips moving in time with the beat, eyes closed and her head back.

Roan was studying her; mesmerized at how her body moved. He noticed her mouth was moving and it took a second but he realized she was mouthing the lyrics.

He was turned on watching her, it was like she was singing to him. At one point she opened her eyes and locked glances with the man from the elevator.

The look that was exchanged between them was hot and electric. She quickly turned around, facing Lisbeth.

He smirked wondering if her innocence was all an act. He didn't know too many innocents any more.

"Are you okay?" Lisbeth asked picking up on her sister's nervous demeanor. "

"Yeah. I'm just a little nervous. I mean he's my boss for Christ's sake. It's just a little nerve racking. I'm fine. Really" she said trying to reassure herself as well.

Lisbeth put her hand on Sienna's shoulder. "Just be yourself. You're beautiful and kind and friendly. You got this" she said smiling.

Sienna took a deep breath as they started their ascent into the 9th circle of Hell.

Cade and Roan both stood up as they approached.

Lisbeth got a romantic peck from Cade on her cheek and Sienna got a bear hug.

"Sienna, this is my brother Roan. Roan, this is Sienna Harper. Lisbeth's sister and best friend."

Sienna stuck her hand out and was immediately grasped by his.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Addison" she said shyly.

He chuckled. "It's nice to meet you too Sienna, but please tonight I'm just Roan."

She nodded as Lisbeth and her took their seats.

"Anyone want drinks?" Roan asked. Cade and Lisbeth got beer, Roan was getting a mixed drink and Sienna asked for a Perrier with a slice of lemon and lime.

He raised his eyebrow at her choice but didn't question it out loud. He didn't want to embarrass her.

"So Sienna" Roan started. "Cade introduced you as Lisbeth's sister."

She nodded mid sip on her water.

"Her mom took legal guardianship of me when we were in high school, so she and Rachael have been my family since" She finished noticing it wasn't as hard as she thought to vocalize that.

"Wow, really?" he asked genuinely interested.

"Um yeah. There were some things going on at home and Lisbeth picked up on it and somehow Rachael, our mom, managed to charm a snake into letting me spend the night at their house.

Some things came to light during that visit and Rachael contacted Child Services and started the paperwork to become my legal guardian.

It was truly the best thing that ever happened to me" Sienna finished smiling brightly at her sister.

From that moment on Roan made it his personal mission to get to know Sienna.

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