Chapter 4 (Just revised)

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Sienna waited patiently for the elevator, again, as she had to go back to HR for a couple of things and was now heading back to Lisbeth's office. 

The mechanical beast finally made it's way back up and dinged, the door opening to reveal the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen.

He was dressed in a very expensive fitted black suit, his beach blonde-ready hair tousled reeked of that sexy out-of-bed look, his body fit and toned, indicating he obviously obsessed working it out.

He wore a gray shirt under his suit, with a wine colored tie and expensive, what she assumed to be, Italian dress shoes.

He was looking down at his phone when she got on to the elevator and that made her quickly turn her back to him, but not before saying "Good morning" and taking notice of his very kissable mouth.

Holy Moses!  Had she really thought that of a complete stranger?  She groaned inwardly, praying he hadn't heard her noise making abilities.

She hit the 42nd floor button and the elevator took off leaving her heart on the floor and her mouth good and dry.

She never looked back when the lift arrived at it's destination and counting to ten, she waited for the doors to open so she could make good her escape.

His scent was captivating and it made her heart race. She almost felt panicky, which is something she hadn't felt in a long time.

Finally the doors opened and she fled walking quickly in the direction that Lisbeth told her, praying she didn't trip in her heels on the way.

"Oh my God girl! I told you!" Lisbeth said to her sister. Sienna said she still couldn't believe it.

She had spent most of the day doing paperwork, drug testing and getting the keys to her apartment.

They had already done the background check on her and because Lisbeth said she could absolutely trust Liv, Sienna gave her copies of the court documents from when she changed her name, plus she had to let them know the medication that she'd been taking as well.

Liv was very understanding and basically called her a hero for everything that she'd been through.

Sienna didn't know about all that, but had thanked the woman and said she would see her Monday morning at 8 a.m.

"Come on. Someone has been dying to meet you" Lisbeth's eyes shone with excitement.

Who in the world would want to meet her? Sienna thought as she watched Lisbeth knock on an office door, the name plate read Cade Addison COO.

Lisbeth opened the door revealing a very attractive man sitting behind the desk on his phone.

He motioned for them to come in and something about him looked really familiar. Was he the man from the elevator earlier?

He finished his call, got up and came around the desk at them, hugging and kissing Lisbeth.

"Cade baby, this is Sienna,my sister. Sienna, my fiancé, Cade."

They shook hands as Sienna asked "Did I just meet you in the elevator?"

Cade threw his head back and laughed. He shook his head saying "No, that is my twin, Roan, and your boss, sorry about that." His eyes shone mischievously, leaving no doubt he was a joker at heart.

Well that made sense. The man in the elevator had a little more guarded look to him not relaxed like his brother.

"Well congratulations. Lisbeth said you nailed the interview" he said. Sienna nodded.

"She had more faith than I did. I actually had already sold all of my furniture and sent my clothing and personal belongings ahead and put them in storage. I should totally listen to you more!" Sienna said of her sister.

"You are coming with us tonight aren't you?" he asked of her.

"Coming where?" She inquired. Lisbeth said she hadn't had time to mention it yet.

"Every Friday a lot of us from work get together and we go to Leviathan.

It's the club that Roan owns. We are going tonight and I was hoping you would want to come with" her eyes searching Sienna's.  "Sounds like fun!" Sienna said excitedly.

They talked some more and then let Cade get back to work while she walked with Lisbeth to the elevator. "

"I have arranged for a car to bring you back to my place. Here is the key and you can just hang out until I get off and then we can have dinner." Si hugged her sister again and headed to the lobby to find her car.
Sienna slept until four in the afternoon and it felt great.

Lisbeth had left her a note telling her where everything was, as she started the coffee pot, needing a quick caffeine pick me up.

While waiting on the coffee, she searched for something to wear tonight to the club.

She found her white skinny jeans and a black off-the-shoulder sweater and decided that would be perfect to wear out with her black heels.

She made a call to Rachael, giving her the good news and taking the time to catch up on the trial, her new job and apartment.

Rachel added to the goodness of the day by confirming that she would be coming next month to visit.

Si told her she couldn't wait for the visit and said she could use a motherly hug. 

After finishing that conversation with Rachel, she called Dr. Miller next and filled him in on what was going on.

He also told her that he'd contacted one of his colleagues and they would be waiting for a phone call when she got settled in.

They talked a bit more and then she headed off to take a shower.

That's when she heard Lisbeth walk in, saying they would leave in about an hour to head out to the club and she was looking forward to having a good time.

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