Chapter 39 (Just revised)

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(Third Person POV)

Sienna was going stir crazy by the time Friday morning arrived.  She hadn't been to Leviathan in about a month and she needed to get out and let her hair down.  She'd finally convinced everyone and that included Taylor Jason, that they would be safe.  She was so excited she couldn't stand it.  She had already picked out what she was going to wear.  It was a one shoulder flared out crimson and lace top, black leggings, black velvet high heeled booties and a crimson and lace matching clutch bag.  

She wasn't concerned about hiding her tattoos anymore as she had become extremely comfortable with who she was and she wasn't going to hide it anymore.  It had been a little over two weeks since they completed the merger with Branson Technologies and Sienna had run some preliminary numbers and was heading down to Roan's office to meet with him and Cade.

She picked up her cell phone and punched in a number.  A male disembodied voice picked up.  "Good morning Brad" Sienna said.  

"Good morning Ms. Harper.  How may I help you?" he asked.  He was one of Taylor Jason's many capable for-hire men that were secretly ensconced at Addison Tech.  

"I just wanted to let you know that I am heading to the 20th floor for a meeting with Roan and Cade" she said sweetly.  

"Yes m'am.  Thank you for letting me know" he replied. 

 "Have a good day Brad!" she said as she disconnected the call.  Sienna gathered her iPad, notes, pad and pen and headed to the elevator.

  "Ginny" she called out to her assistant.  "I'm heading to Mr. Addison's office for a meeting.  You can reach me there if you need anything" she said. 

 "Okay Ms. Harper.  Will do" Ginny called out.

Sienna finally reached the 20th floor.  It took forever this morning; it seemed like it was a little busier than normal for the elevators today. 

 "Good morning Sienna" said Kathleen.  "They are waiting for you" she said smiling. 

 "Good morning to you too and thanks" Sienna said smiling brightly at the woman.  She knocked softly on the door when she heard Roan's voice say to enter.  When he looked up and saw that it was Sienna he came around his desk and graced her with a kiss, right in front of his brother. 

 "Good morning again, baby" he said against her lips.  She returned his kiss without haste. 

 "Good morning handsome" she said.  Cade cleared his throat because obviously with this much of a PDA they'd forgotten that he was in the room. 

 "Sorry Cade" Sienna said blushing and giggling at the same time. 

 "Oh don't worry about me" he said jokingly.  "It's just weird to see my brother engaging in such 'normal' behavior."  Sienna laughed while Roan rolled his eyes at his brother's statement. 

 "Can we get down to business please?" Roan asked trying to sound aggravated but the twinkle in his eye conveyed something else.  

Both Sienna and Cade said "Yes sir!"

Both men were very content and happy with the prelim work that Sienna and her department had done.  As she had said while doing her due diligence the operations side was the weakest link but since Cade came in as COO and put his ideas into place, with the help of Branson Tech employees, they were well on their way to being out of the red in just a short period of time.

  "This is fantastic!" said Roan.  Cade nodded. 

 "It's amazing how a few tweaks here and there could make such a difference.  Old man Branson came down and visited last week and was impressed and overjoyed to see what we had implemented.  It seems that the employees are extremely happy with the merger and productivity has increased overall by 8.5%!  Not bad for such a short time.  I can't wait to see what the numbers reflect, say in a month's time" Cade was very enthusiastic.

Sienna gathered her things to return to her office when she suddenly remembered a message for Cade from Lisbeth. 

 "Cade, Lisbeth wanted you to either call her in her office or pop in when you are done here.  I think it was regarding lunch" she said smiling.  Roan spoke up. 

 "Talking about lunch would you all like to have lunch together?" he asked. 

 "I would love to" said Sienna.  Cade nodded and picked up Roan's phone to call Lisbeth.  

"Hey baby!  How's your day?" Cade asked his fiance. 

 "Roan suggested that the four of us have lunch today.  Are you cool with that?" he asked.  He covered the mouthpiece.  "What time Roan?" he asked his brother.  Roan consulted his watch. 

 "Well it's 10:30 now, how about in an hour?  We will meet you in the lobby?"  Cade conveyed this information to Lisbeth who agreed.  He hung up with Lisbeth and said he was going back to his office to tidy up some things and make a few phone calls.

After Cade left the office Roan walked over and locked the door.  He walked back to his desk and sat on the edge pulling Sienna to him.  

"So" he started.  "How's my girl this morning?"  She would never get tired of how he treated her.  She loved him more than she ever thought it was possible to love someone.  

"Well" she started to answer.  "Seeing as I am in the arms of the most handsome man ever and I know he loves me more than anything, I am doing fantastic" she said smiling.  He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

  "You are so beautiful" he murmured against her lips as he kissed her passionately and without holding back.  She didn't have any trouble falling into his kisses especially when he kissed her like that.  You know the old Hollywood movies where the woman would get kissed by the guy and her foot would fly up in the back?  That was what Sienna's heart did every time he kissed her and whether he knew it or not, he owned her body, heart, mind and soul...forever. 

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