Epilogue 50 (Just revised)

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(Sienna's POV)

It had been six months since we returned from our honeymoon and six months since I'd had my birth control device removed.  We were one week away from celebrating the Thanksgiving holidays with our family and friends from Addison Tech.  I had told Kathleen about three weeks ago that I was feeling weird and she asked me straight away if I had taken a pregnancy test.  I told her no; I was scared.  I had wanted this so badly I was afraid that I would get another negative result.  

My doctor had told me that both Roan and I were healthy but that I had some scar tissue that was a little worrisome and might hinder conceiving but once I was pregnant there would be no worry for alarm.  I decided that I was going to bite the bullet, buy a test and Kathleen would be there with me when I took it; her, Ginni and my sister.  I knew that Roan and Cade were in meetings that morning so it was the perfect time.  I had downed a bottle of water on the way into work this morning so I knew that I would be able to generate enough pee for the test.

Kathleen looked up at me when I got to her desk; I held up the box, she nodded and picked up the phone and called Lisbeth and Ginni.  Once we were all gathered we went into Roan's private bathroom in his office.  Modesty be hanged, this was important.  I had Lisbeth read the directions carefully because I didn't want to do anything wrong and get a wrong result.  I peed on the stick and sat it down on the lavatory, Lisbeth sat the timer for five minutes; my God that was the longest five minutes ever.  Finally the timer went off. 

 "I'm so scared to look" I whispered.  All of the woman looked at me sympathetically as I reached for the stick, closing my eyes I held it out and then slowly opened them and allowing them to focus on the stick.  My hand went up to my mouth as I gasped and let out a little cry. 

 "Well?" cried Kathleen.  I held out the stick for them to see...two pink lines, I was pregnant!  We jumped up and down and cried and laughed and then I had to devise a way to tell Roan.  We cleaned up the trash from his bathroom, I couldn't chance him seeing the box.  I straightened myself up and headed back to my office.  Kathleen would ring me when he got back to his office.

Ginni had called IT'S SUGAR,  not too far from the office that would do something for us and do it quickly.  It was a box of chocolates and on each chocolate they would write a letter and it would spell out 'you are going to be a daddy!'  While she was out getting this Kathleen had called to let me know that he was on his way back to the office at any moment.  I had put the cap on the end of the pregnancy test and was pacing waiting on Ginni when finally she arrived.  A few seconds later Kathleen called and said he was back.  I took a deep breath and rang his office.  

"Hello beautiful" his sexy voice rang out.  

"Hey baby" I said breathlessly.  "You have a few minutes for me?" I asked keeping my fingers crossed. 

 "Sweetie, you have me the rest of the afternoon" he said sweetly.  I pumped my fist. 

 "Great.  I will be right there.  I have some things for you to sign, plus I missed my husband" I said. 

 "I'll be waiting" he said as I hung up.  Ginni said good luck as I left the office and instructed her to let Lisbeth know it was going down.

I didn't think the elevator would ever get me to the 20th floor but I finally arrived with a 'stack' of papers in my hand, the candy box and the pregnancy test.  Kathleen gave me a nod and a smile as I walked into Roan's office.  I walked to his desk, like so many times before and handed him the papers which he signed and initialed with a flourish and then I handed him the box.

  "What's this?" he asked quizzically.

  "Well I know how much you like the chocolates from IT'S SUGAR and you haven't had them in a while so I sent Ginni to get you a box."  He stood up and pulled me to him.  

"I love how you are always thinking of things to do for me" he said against my lips, kissing me and leaving me breathless.

  "I love you Roan and it makes me happy to do things for you" I said getting emotional all of a sudden.  Roan lifted the lid and hesitated, his brow knitting together as if he was trying to take in what the message was and all of a sudden it was like a light went on and he whipped his head around and looked at me.

  "Are you...?" he asked very quietly.  I nodded and showed him the test.  

What happened next happened very quickly; he picked me up and swung me around laughing like a little boy and shouting "I'm going to be a daddy!"  I was crying and laughing the whole time until he finally put me down and kissed me fiercely.

My pregnancy was perfect.  I had a little bit of morning sickness, gained the right amount of weight and was able to work right up until six weeks prior to giving birth.  My mom had flown in and was staying with Cade and Lisbeth, Dr. Miller was on stand-by and waiting for when he got word that I was in labor and now it was a waiting game.  

Roan was going to make an amazing father; I would be laying in bed and he would roll over onto his side, raise my shirt and kiss my bare belly and talk to our baby.  We both wanted to know the sex; we were having a little girl.  We were so pleased; neither of us cared as long as the baby and I were healthy.  I had secretly wished that the baby would have my hair and Roan's eyes, but I truly didn't care about that, I just couldn't wait to see her and hold her.

  It was a Friday night and it had been getting harder and harder to find a comfortable position to sleep so I was sitting up and had tons of pillows behind me and at my side.  I was thankful that Roan was still able to sleep.  I glanced at the clock;  ugh it was midnight.  I had just gotten back in bed from going to pee and had to go again.  I had just made it onto the tile when my water broke and the first contraction hit.  

"Oh God!  Roan!" I cried out.  He was there in a flash.  He saw the puddle on the floor and looked at me. 

 "Is that what I think it is?" he asked sounding a little panicked.  I nodded.  He flew into action; he called the hospital who called our doctor; then he called Dr. Miller who headed to the airport; then he called Cade who raised the alarm and got everyone up and out of the house and finally he called his mother and Kathleen.

I put on a simple sweater dress, leggings and flats while Roan grabbed my bag by the front door and got us to the car and we headed off to the hospital.  Another contraction hit while in the car, I groaned and grabbed for the console and the door and did my breathing until it subsided.  This would continue for the next five hours. 

 Our little girl was being stubborn about making her debut but eventually twelve hours after my water broke our daughter was born.  Olivia Grace Addison, six pounds, seven ounces and eighteen inches long.  She was a tiny little thing with a head full of sandy blonde hair, Roan's mouth and my nose and we wouldn't know until I started to breast feed her and she opened her eyes that she would have her daddy's ice blue eyes.  

Roan leaned over my bed, stroking my hair and placing a gently kiss on Olivia's head and looked at me with tears in his eyes and said "This is the greatest gift besides your love that you could ever give to me" he said very emotional. 

 I looked lovingly at him and said "Both of you are my happily ever after."


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