Chapter 34 (Just revised)

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(Sienna's POV)

It had been three weeks since my birthday and engagement to Roan.  Life was good and I was happy.  Our merger to Branson Technology went off without a hitch, the company was flourishing and it was a good day to be alive.  Until it wasn't.  I was making my way to Lisbeth's office when my cell phone rang.  Lisbeth stood next to me as I answered the call. 

 "Hello Sienna Harper speaking."  A disembodied voice began to talk.  Lisbeth knew something was wrong immediately as I began to shake and turned pale.  She grabbed her office phone and dialed Roan. 

 "You better get down to my office right now.  Something's happened" and she hung up.  I just stared at my sister, my eyes wide with fear.  Lisbeth knew that look, she'd seen it before.  

"Travis" I said, my voice shaking.  "I'm going to put you on speaker phone.  My sister is here and so is my fiancee'.  Please repeat what you just said."  

"I'm so sorry Sienna.  William Parsons escaped from prison this morning.  He killed one guard and injured another.  We've got top notch detectives on the case and investigators from our office.  We've already uncovered the fact that he had help.  We are going through prison log books and security footage." (Travis Dennis was the District Attorney for my case when I lived in Detroit). 

 Roan had arrived and took my phone and continued to talk to the DA while I threw up the contents of my stomach in a near by trash can.

  "Please take down my contact information and call me, day or night, it doesn't matter.  Sienna lives with me now so I can keep her safe.  What about Rachael?" he asked taking complete charge of the situation.  "No, that's great to hear.  We don't want to know where she is.  Just keep her safe until this asshole is found.  Thank you Travis and keep in touch" Roan ended the call and then looked over at Lisbeth who had been holding my hair.

"Oh Jesus!  What am I going to do?  He promised that it wasn't over and that he'd see me again.  Why can't he just leave me alone?" I cried as I sat hunched on the floor.  Lisbeth closed her office door and then dialed up Dr. Santiago. 

 She filled the doctor in on the latest development and she gave Lisbeth her cell number.  "Lisbeth, we need to focus on keeping Sienna calm and safe.  We don't want her reverting back.  Call me at anytime on this number and I will always pick up.  Do you think I need to write her a prescription?" 

 "I don't think so, not at this point.  Roan is with her and so am I.  She actually seems pretty grounded right now.  We'll keep our eyes on her and if anything in her behavior changes we'll contact you asap" Lisbeth finished up her call and came back to where I was sitting.

Roan was on the floor, suit and all, with me in his lap, rocking me back and forth and comforting me. 

 "I promised you that I would keep you safe honey and I will.  Your mom is in protective custody.  He can't get to her.  I've got top notch security as well and if it makes you feel better we can have Lisbeth and Cade stay at the apartment.  I'm not going to let that sadistic bastard get his hands on you anymore.  That's a promise" he said fiercely.  

I looked at him through cloudy eyes and nodded.  I knew he meant it with all of his heart but William was devious and an evil kind of smart.  Normal people's brains and minds didn't work like his.  He lived to torture people whether it was physically or psychology.  He was an animal that needed to be put down.

(Roan's POV)

Roan left Sienna with Lisbeth and strode back to his office with purpose.  He pulled out his cell phone as he motioned for Cade to come in and shut the door.  

"Taylor Jason please.  This is Roan Addison.  Yes thank you I will hold" he said calmly.  

"Hey bro what's up?" Cade asked a little worried. 

 "That bastard Parsons escaped from prison this morning and they know he had help" he said his voice dripping with hate.

  "And you're calling who I think you're calling?" Cade asked.  Roan nodded. 

 "Taylor?  It's Roan.  I need to take you up on that owed favor.  Yes it really is a matter of life and death.  Within the next thirty minutes?  Yes I'll be here.  See you then" Roan said ending the call.  Cade ran his fingers through his hair. 

 "Okay bro, I gotta trust you know what you are doing.  What do you need from me" he asked. 

 "You and Lisbeth are staying at the apartment until further notice.  Don't argue with me Cade.  It won't do you any good" Roan said with finality and Cade knew better than to argue.

Within thirty minutes as promised, Taylor Jason was escorted in by Kathleen.  

"Roan, I have rescheduled your appointments and I will make sure you aren't disturbed; oh and Dan is on his way down as well" his assistant said.  Roan patted her on the shoulder. 

 "Thank you Kathleen as always you have proven to be invaluable.  Show Dan in when he gets down here" he said shutting his door.  "Taylor, this is my brother Cade.  Cade, Taylor Jason, ex-special forces and now the owner of one of the elite security companies in the world."  The two men shook hands and Roan began. 

 "Here's the complete file that I just received from Travis Dennis, the DA from Detroit.  It's pretty graphic so I hope you have a strong stomach" he said grimacing.  "Roan, who is this woman to you?" Taylor asked.  

The man turned to look at him and said "My fiance."  He need not say anything else.  

Taylor sighed and said "Alright let's get to work."  It was going to be a long night.

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