Chapter 19 (Just revised)

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Sienna groaned, stretched and rolled over grabbing her phone to look for the time. 5:30 am? Is that all?

She cursed silently and then heeded the call of the bathroom. After finishing, she washed her hands and decided to brush her teeth and then crawl back into bed.

As she lay there, her mind took her back through the events of last night with Roan; blushing at the memories of what he did to her and how he made her scream his name.

He was amazing in bed and her body always responded to him; she couldn't keep it from happening even if she wanted to.

His lips kissing her there, senses on alert as he entered her...she shuddered as if she was having her orgasm all over again; she was damp and horny and decided if she wanted him she would have him again.

Stepping back into the room quietly she found him in the same position from when she left; on his back, one arm above his head and the other laying at his side.

The sheets seemed to mold to his demi-god form and it almost felt like she was losing what little bit of self control she possessed.

Stealthily climbing into her bed and absent any sleep clothes, she gingerly climbed on top of her man.

Her legs straddling him and being open only added to her already horny plight as her arousal slowly slipped from her body.

Her hands were on either side of his head as she bent her lips to his neck, kissing him then tasting his skin. God how could one man work her up so while sleeping?

Moving to the other side of his luscious neck, she continued to kiss and taste him and that's when she felt his hips slowly moving, his tip rubbing against her clitoris; by this point Sienna was leaning on her forearms; his actions causing the friction to grow achingly more evident.

"Oh baby" he breathed feeling her body's reaction to him and then her orgasm hit without warning and without him being inside her.

At some point during the throws of ecstasy he slipped inside her, hissing at the sensation. "Jesus I can feel you clinching around me! Fuck!" he moaned as she felt him release, both of them sounding winded from what just took place.

He rolled Sienna over, his cock still feeling rock hard and still firmly inside of her. "Christ Sienna! That was sexy as fuck!" he breathed against her neck as he started to move his body once more.

It was 6:45 am when they finally finished with each other and spent the next 45 minutes just talking and enjoying their post coital time together.

"Sienna I need to talk to you about something" he said seriously. Oh my God! The note's warning came rushing into her mind with a vengeance as she prepared her mind for him to let her go.

"Okay" she said her voice barely audible. He put his hand up and caressed her face; taking a breath he began.

"Other than the company of certain people the majority of my life I have spent alone; work always consumed me; it's how I'm wired.

That day in the elevator when I saw you for the first time, I didn't even see your face but you had already stirred something in me and I followed you to Lisbeth's office so I could see you.

I was blown away by the beauty that I saw and after that day I knew I would never be the same" he stopped a moment letting his words sink in.

Okay, Sienna thought, this doesn't sound like a good bye talk so maybe that's not what's going on here. He continued.

"The more time I spend with you the more I find that I don't like being away from you; I crave you; not just your body, as delectable as it is, but your time, your laugh, your thoughts and opinions.

All of you; I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want you to be mine; no hiding our relationship, no pretending that there isn't something going on between us.

We have done a good job of being professional at work and I think as long as we continue that I don't really give a damn what anyone says or thinks" he said looking at her for some kind of reaction.

Sienna rolled onto her back, her hand covering her mouth, as the tears flowed. She was sobbing at this point and couldn't stop.

Roan sat up and pulled her into his lap. "Oh honey. I didn't mean to make you cry" he said concerned.

", believe it or not" Sienna blubbered "These are tears of happiness. I spent most of my life being told that I would never have 'this' and then six years with Dr. Miller trying to undo it, believing that I am worthy to feel this way and then here you come and sweep me off my feet!" She said her breath hitching.

Roan chuckled. "Well I love how you describe me, I feel like a knight on a white horse" he added as she told him that's definitely what he was.

Sienna's expression turned serious as she told him "You've saved my life you know" his answer was to lower his lips to hers and kiss her with reckless abandoned.

Going into the kitchen to prepare a light breakfast and coffee, she heard Roan on the phone with Charlie.

"I had already put everything that I would need this morning in the trunk. If you can just bring it over and come up to Sienna's apartment that would be great and then you can drive us to work. Thank you Charlie and see you soon" he said hanging up.

Sienna was happily chopping veggies for omelettes when she felt his arms go around her waist and his gorgeous mouth on her neck.

"I like that you're cooking for me already" he said against her skin.

She told him that it was her pleasure as he spun her around and whispered that it would be her pleasure as his hands went underneath her shirt.

Sienna giggled as he picked her up and walked them back to the bedroom and shut the door.

Breakfast would have to wait!

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