Chapter 30 (Just revised)

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(Roans' POV)

Roan was a nervous wreck while he waited on Cade and Lisbeth to get to his office.  Kathleen and Dan were already there.  He still couldn't believe the turn of events that had overtaken his life these few months since he'd met Sienna.  Was he doing the right thing?  Was this feeling really love?  He needed to talk to his mom, get her opinion.  He was bringing Sienna over to his family home to meet his mom and sister, Elena, who was in town for the weekend after finals.  Finally everyone was assembled in his office.  

"Kathleen, would you please close my door.  You instructed Eliza no interruptions, right?"  Roan asked.  Kathleen nodded.  He took a deep breath and exhaled.  No time like the present.  "I spoke with Rachael, Lisbeth and Sienna's mom, yesterday and I've spoken about this with Lisbeth, but you four here are my closet friends and family, so..." he said pulling out the ring box.  "I plan on asking Sienna to marry me" he stated, the ring box open revealing an eight carat Princess cut perfect diamond, surrounded by 1/4 carat diamonds and then 1/8 carat diamonds going around the band.  It was so quite you could hear a pin drop.

Lisbeth and Kathleen gasped while Cade and Dan slapped him on the back grinning like they'd all won the lottery. 

 "Oh my God Roan!" Kathleen finally said.  She turned to him, smiling and tears in her eyes said "I'm so happy for you my boy.  Sienna is perfect for you!  I prayed for this day and I know I'm not the only one.  Congratulations darling!" she grabbed him in a motherly hug.  Lisbeth grabbed him next. 

 "I'm so happy for you brother!" she said softly. 

 Cade being the comedian of the group added "It's about damn time too!" he said enveloping his brother in a hug; lastly Dan from Legal. 

 "Roan I know this is huge for you and that you aren't taking this lightly.  I'm happy for you buddy.  You gotcha yourself a wonderful girl.  Congrats!" he said throwing his arms around him.

Lisbeth asked next "When are you planning on popping the question?"  He had already been way ahead of the game and had it all planned out. 

 "Well, when I spoke with your mom yesterday, I told her I would have my plane ready for her the weekend of Sienna's birthday.  She's coming here, we are all going to Cocina d'Amore and am going to do it there." he finished.  

"My mom's coming?" Lisbeth couldn't contain her excitement.  "Oh my God!  Sienna is gonna flip!  She has really been missing her.  Roan you're the best!" she said giggling.  He had everything planned out and felt a calm and peace about it.  He picked up the phone to call his mom after everyone had left.  She picked up on the second ring. 

 "Roan darling!  How are you sweetheart?" she asked.  He had the best mom in the whole world.  She had dealt with his dad's death with grace and poise and while he knew she missed him terribly she didn't wallow in self pity.  She threw herself into various charities and volunteer work.  She had a huge heart for those less fortunate and helped whenever and wherever she could.

"Mom, I have something to tell you" he said carefully.  

"Okay" she said now wondering. 

 "You know I've been seeing this girl" he started. 

 "Yes Sienna.  Cade and Lisbeth talk about her all the time" his mother said.

  "She's the one mom" he said.  It got very quiet.  "Mom are you there?" he asked suddenly concerned.

  "Roan, as in the one?" she asked.

  "Yes" he responded.  He heard her voice hitch.

  "Oh my baby!  I'm so happy for you" she sniffed.  He heaved a sigh of relief.  He went on to tell her about the ring, his proposal plans and this weekend. 

 "I want to bring her to meet you and Elena this Friday after work.  Also, I want you and Elena there for Sienna's birthday when I propose.  Rachael, Lisbeth and Sienna's mom, will be here as well.  I wanted to get all the family together for this" he told her.  

"Roan, your dad would be so proud of the man you have become.  I know he had a tough exterior and seemed to push you boys, but he was determined that you would have the chance to do and experience the things he didn't get to at your age.  He loved you boys so much" she said, her voice soft in reflection.

  "I miss him too mom" Roan said.  They talked a few minutes more and then hung up.  He was going to pay a visit to his soon-to-be fiance.

He stood at the doorway to her office taking her in.  She was wearing a black dress with a slight 'V' in the front, her hair in a messy bun and glasses.  That was a first but he thought the look was sexy.  He imagined them together on her desk making love.  He felt his pants tightening just thinking about her body, naked and soft against him.  She was hard at work; papers all over her desk, eyes going between two monitors and sucking on the end of her pencil.  His thoughts went to what she was doing to that pencil and wished that was him between her luscious lips.  He digressed.  He softly knocked on the door frame.  She looked up at him and bestowed her amazing smile on him. 

 "Hey baby" she said softly getting up to go to him. 

 "Hey yourself" he said taking her in his arms.  "Working hard?" he said against her ear.  She nodded. 

 "Hhmm, my boss is a slave driver" she said jokingly.  He playfully swatted her behind. 

 "I guess I'm gonna have to talk to him about working his employees so hard" he joked. 

 "What brings you to my humble office, sir" she said smiling up at him.

  "I just needed and wanted to see you and also ask you to lunch.  It's almost one you know" he responded.  He could tell by her expression that time had gotten away from her.

  "I would love to have lunch with the most handsome man in the world" she said lovingly. 

 "You do wonders for my ego, Si" he breathed against her lips before kissing her passionately.

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