Chapter 41 (Just revised)

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(Lisbeth's POV)

After twenty four hours the doctor did another MRI.  It showed significant changes in the swelling.  He said that Sienna was almost out of the woods and that he would do one more in another twenty four hour period.  It was hard seeing Roan look so lost.  He tried keeping it together when he was in Sienna's room but when he was in the waiting room he looked like a lost little boy.  

We didn't try to come up with anything witty or tell him it would be okay, we just let him be.  He was dealing the best way he knew how.  Our mom felt for him as well.  She had taken him aside several times and just hugged him and told him that it would be okay.  She got to spend time with Roan's mom which helped her deal with what was going on.  

Mom was strong but even the strongest flower bends in the wind, we were just trying to keep her from breaking.  Roan had decided that he would read to Sienna from her favorite book "Pride and Prejudice"; Charlie was kind enough to go and fetch it from the apartment and brought it when he came to check on Roan and Sienna.  His voice was comforting as he read to her and I had to believe that my sister could hear him and that she knew we were here.

Later that night I stepped back into Sienna's room to see Roan, holding her hand, his head down on the bed and he was sleeping.  I didn't have the heart to wake him.  None of us had slept much, who could be comfortable in chairs?  One of the detectives that had owed Taylor Jason a favor stopped by the hospital earlier to gather statements.  

They had already talked to several other witnesses at Leviathan and finally the police officer that ended William Parsons' miserable existence.  I walked into Sienna's room to get Roan; I knew he'd want to be present.  I shook his shoulder gently. 

 "Roan, Detective Chance is here" I said quietly.  He blinked several times, processing what I'd said, got up, stretched and followed me out of the room. 

 "Mr. Addison?  Detective Chance" the man said sticking his hand out.  Roan accepted and the two men shook hands.  "I wanted to update you on what was going on.  We have all statements from club patrons and the officer that shot Parsons.  That's all cut and dried.  We have leveled new charges against Shelby Madison, attempted murder.  I thought you would like to know" he said.  Roan rubbed his hands over his face and let out a sigh. 

 "Has she said anything, anything at all?  Why she reached out to him?"  Roan still couldn't fathom her involvement.  The detective said the only thing she told them was she was jealous and truly thought that Roan was hers.  Roan scoffed at this, told the detective thanks for the update, to please keep him in the loop and he disappeared back into Sienna's room.

We finally convinced Roan to go and grab supper with us.  It did us all good to get out of that hospital.  We'd already been there a day, going on two.  Visiting hours were almost up anyway and we would be confined once again to the waiting room.  We never voiced it but we were all silently praying that this second MRI would give us the results we wanted to hear.  Waiting was the hardest thing to deal with.

  Her bruising was lessening somewhat, they hadn't seen her arm due to it being bandaged up and all they could see on her upper body was around her collar area; she was bruised badly from his pummeling fists.  No one wanted to even try to imagine what she'd gone through leading up to her being found, the only consolation they received was when the bulk of the injuries happened she was already unconscious and never felt a thing.

The night drug on, uneventfully, and all they could do was wait, once again.  Cade had gone and retrieved lap tops, chargers, etc. for everyone so they had technology to keep them occupied plus throughout the day and evening Addison Tech employees trickled in and out checking up on Sienna and it was sweet to see the impact that she'd had on everyone is such a short time. 

 She definitely brought something extra special when she was present.  She was as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside.  Cade made several trips back and forth to the apartment with the women so they could shower and change clothes; he'd brought Roan a change of clothes and he showered in Sienna's hospital bathroom.  It had finally quieted down and people were starting to dose off here and there, getting rest when they could.  They were all patiently waiting for the MRI to take place.

It was 7:30 a.m. and Roan was nowhere to be found.  They already knew that he was in Sienna's room but they were shocked to see him return. 

 "The doctor went ahead and scheduled her for the MRI right now so they are wheeling her to Radiology.  We'll know something in an hour or two" he said sounding more hopeful than he had in days.  But they were back to waiting again. 

 Kathleen had left, saying she would be right back and true to her word she came back with Cinnabon and fresh hot coffee for breakfast.  We all wanted to kiss her!  A chorus of 'yums' could be heard as everyone sank their teeth into fresh cinnamon rolls and good coffee, it was just the pick-me-up that everyone needed.  Conversation was light and everyone's spirits seemed to be lifted and as if right on cue the doctor came in with the results.

  It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop; no one was breathing at this point as the doctor began to speak.  "We have stopped the medication keeping Ms. Harper in her coma.  The MRI showed that there was no swelling left, everything looks as it should.  She should start coming to in about an hour or so and then we will see how her short term/long term memory are and it's possible after that evaluation she can be moved to a private room and out of ICU" he said sounding quite pleased with himself. 

 He received lots of pats on the back, hand shakes and thank yous.  This was the best news possible.  The atmosphere of the room was completely different.  

Roan was actually smiling and said "I'm gonna go visit my girl" he said walking out of the waiting room.  Prayers of thanks went up that morning as we continued to pray for further good news.  It was going to be a good day!

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