Chapter 14 (Just revised)

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The evening was progressing nicely and Sienna was feeling more and more at ease. Roan never left her side nor did he act like he wanted to.

She would be lying if she said she didn't find it comforting, that this gorgeous and intelligent man at her side really wanted her. 

She shook her head trying to wrap her mind around the concept.

"A penny for your thoughts" he said in her ear and she had been so lost in her own thoughts that she wasn't aware that it was just the two of them now.

"I was just thinking" Sienna responded, smiling.

"Wow that's deep" he chuckled as she playfully hit his arm.

"I meant that I was just thinking about tonight, you, me" Sienna was a little scared to say the 'us' part but he looked at her with thoughtful, blue eyes that pierced her soul.

"What about us, baby?" he asked.

Sienna mentally sighed, as her fear was unfounded. "This feeling that I have from being with you is...comforting; if that makes any sense" She ended her thought looking away from him.

"Sienna, look at me" he commanded.

She slowly brought her gaze back to his. "It makes total sense. I would never insult you by saying that I understand what you went through or that I get what you feel at certain times, but what I can give you is stability, safety, my arms and my...heart."

He'd left himself wide open and it was up to her now to let him know she felt the same way.

She grabbed his hand and led them to a nearby balcony and shut the door. Turning back to him, she placed herself right in front of him, lifting her head to meet his eyes.

Her hands went around his neck, pulling him to her mouth and giving him the sweetest, most unfettered kiss she had ever known and it left her breathless.

She slowly pulled away and pulled his hand up and placed it on her heart. It was beating wildly like at any minute it would burst through.

She didn't have to say anything, because she knew that he would know what she was trying to say.

Roan answered her by placing his hand over her heart, as a tear slipped down her cheek, closing her eyes and just basking in the beautiful feeling of his heart beat.

They stood there for a bit until Roan's vibrating phone broke their precious moment.

She heard him sigh, as she opened her eyes to see him looking at his phone.

"We have to go back now. It's speech time after that we can leave if you would like" he said.

Sienna nodded as he took her hand in his and they left after their little moment of bliss.

Sienna took her seat next to Lisbeth as she leaned in and asked her if everything was okay.

She whispered back "Everything is perfect" She assured her sister smiling. She grasped and squeezed Sienna's hand.

She watched, mesmerized by Roan's speech. He truly loved his company and his employees, he loved what he did and he was passionate about it.

"Now in closing" he said finishing his speech. "I am proud to announce that Addison Tech did very well in 2015, so much so that everyone is receiving an 8% raise across the board, plus two extra days of PTO, and five extra days of paid vacation.

Thank you for your continued support and belief, dedication and hard work to our company. We are successful because of you.

Thank you and enjoy the rest of your evening" he said walking off to raucous applause.

He received several pats on the back and shook several hands on his way back to the executive table.

Sienna had never felt more proud of anyone or anything than at this moment.

"Are you guys ready to call it an evening?" he asked of them.  Lisbeth and Cade wanted to stay but Sienna was ready to leave and have a quite evening with Roan, relaxing and it just being them. 

It wasn't about having sex, she just wanted to be with him and near him.

"I'm going to use the ladies room and then I will be ready" she said smiling at him.

She could feel his eyes on her as she walked away and it felt...empowering.

It was surprising to find the restroom empty as she made her way to the last stall and then she heard someone else come in and take the stall next to her. 

The door opened once more and two women walked in talking rapidly. "I just don't understand what made him walk in with her, I mean what was he thinking? What is so special about her?"

The other woman spoke up her tone snippy as well. "He never would give me the time of day and I was willing to give him head. I wonder what she's done for him that made him bring her? I mean what kind of name is Sienna anyway? It sounds like a paint color!"

The women continued to joke until the person in the stall next to her stepped out and she heard the women gasp.

"I'm ashamed at the both of you!" It was Kathleen, Roan's assistant.

"You know how Mr. Addison abhors gossip and you two are just being plain mean."

One of the woman said "Please don't tell Mr. Addison. We're sorry!"

Sienna took this as her cue to step out and Kathleen gasped as she saw her face.

She just stared at the women and then went over to Kathleen and hugged her and said "Thank you" softly before withering the two gossiping bitches with a look that made them scurry.

"I don't know what I was thinking Kathleen. This will never work between he and I.

I will always have to deal with women like that and I'm not sure I'm strong enough" Sienna said sadly.

Kathleen placed herself in front of her and grabbed her hands.

"Sienna, honey. Do you have feelings for him?" Sienna nodded.

"Do you care for him?" Kathleen asked.

She said "Deeply."

"Is it safe to say that you might even love him?" Sienna waited but then slowly nodded.

Kathleen sighed in relief. "My dear, I've known Mr. Addison for many, many years and I can tell you this with the utmost certainty...he feels the same way.

Don't break his heart and yours because of a couple of jealous bitches!"

Sienna giggled as Kathleen turned red. "I'm sorry but it's true. Please honey. Give it a chance. He adores you."

Kathleen hugged her and then left her to her thoughts. She looked in the mirror and for the first time she saw someone that was worthy of being loved and was worthy to give love.

Straightening herself up and smoothing her dress, she held her head high as she left the restroom.

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