Chapter 36 (Just revised)

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(Third Person POV)

Roan laid in bed watching Sienna sleep.  He was amazed at everything that she'd been through, that she kept trying and wasn't willing to give up.  He wondered and half hoped that he had a little to do with that.  She was an amazing and beautiful woman and she was going to be his wife.  He kept saying wife over and over in his mind and frankly he never thought that word would ever come out of his mouth.  

Women only wanted him for one of two things:  his body or his money.  Sienna was different.  He could be a janitor and she would still love him just as much; she'd told him that in no uncertain terms.  His money and position meant nothing to her. 

 She had even told him to draw up a prenup agreement, that's how willing she was to show that his money wasn't why she loved him.  That just made him love her all the more and of course he said a very hearty 'no' to the prenup.  He loved her, more than he'd ever thought possible.  He was bound and determined to keep her safe and give her the happy and stable life that she deserved.

He was so deep in thought he didn't realize that she was now awake and looking at him.  She could tell that the wheels were going round and round and he had that cute little crease in his forehead when he was formulating something. 

 "What's got your mind working already this morning?" she asked softly.  He leaned over and softly kissed her lips.  

"Nothing baby.  Just pondering how blessed and lucky I am to have you in my life" he said sweetly.  Sienna rolled onto her side, throwing her leg over his hip as she drew him closer.  

"No" she said.  "I am the blessed one.  Ever since I was a little girl I believed in miracles.  I saw them happen for others and that's how I knew they happened.  I knew that one day I would get mine and it was sent in the form of a beautiful, gorgeous and sexy man.  And I will spend the rest of my life being thankful for you" she said before placing her lips to his.  He rolled over on top of Sienna, sank deep into her and showed her how much he loved her.

Taylor Jason had texted Roan, Cade and Dan and asked them to come meet with him ASAP.  Roan had a bad feeling but put it in check until he heard what Taylor had to say.  He looked terse. 

 "We have total proof that Parsons is here in Las Vegas" he said sounding pissed off.  "We have also picked up Shelby Madison and have interrogated her.  It didn't take long for her to break.  She told him everything about Sienna.  We have since handed her over to LVPD and they are holding her right now for the notes and putting Sienna's life in danger.  One of the detectives over there owes me a favor" he added.  

Roan had since started pacing the room.  Everyone knew better than to approach him while he was in this state.  He finally stopped in front of Jason and asked him what the plan was.

"I have placed men at Addison Tech in security officer roles, maintenance positions and janitorial staff.  Sienna will be safe but unfortunately she will have to be bait" he said. 

 Roan pounded his fist on the desk.  "Abso-fucking-lutely not!" he roared.  "There is no way that I will subject her to this!  There has to be another way!"  For the first time in his life he felt panicked. 

 None of the men realized that Sienna had heard everything.  "I will do it" she said softly, startling the men.  Roan took two strides to reach her and put his hands on either shoulder. 

 "Baby no!  I won't put you in that situation.  There has to be another way, another plan."  He was frantic at this point.  She placed her hand against his cheek. 

 "Roan.  I will do it.  I don't want to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life.  I can't move on with you or my career as long as he's in the picture.  Have faith in me baby.  You said it yourself that I'm strong."  He hung his head; he knew he'd lost.  He started praying right now for her safety.

Roan stormed out of the room; Sienna told the men to keep talking that she would settle him down and he would be back.  She took off after him and found him in their room, looking out the window.  She shut and locked the door as he whirled around; he found her standing there naked and beautiful.  

He walked to her and started to say something when she placed her finger across his lips.  "Shhh" she said gently.  "Don't say anything.  Let me love you" she said thickly.  She pulled his shirt from his body, their eyes never leaving contact and then she pulled his sweatpants down and he stepped out of them. 

 She put her hands on his shoulders and let them fall softly down his arms until she reached his fingers and then inner laced them; bringing their bodies closer together.  They engaged in a very sensual kiss, taking each others mouths and leaving each other breathless.

Roan walked her backwards to the bed and she scooted up towards the headboard with him hovering over her.  He slowly sank into her, filling her and taking in how good she felt wrapped around him.  He didn't move just yet; the sensation from her wet sex was overwhelming.  They still never let their eye contact waiver as he finally started to slide in and out of her.

  "Oh yes" she breathed closing her eyes, drowning in the feeling of his body inside hers.  "Love me Roan" she cried out as his pace picked up.  He lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her wildly.

  "Sienna I love you more than life" he said his voice hoarse with emotion as he felt himself close to release.  "Come with me baby" he pleaded as she arched her back and cried out his name.

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