Chapter 12 (Just revised)

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Sienna didn't see Roan all week due to their new merger with Branson Technologies, but she did get text messages throughout the day and week from him, making her days more bearable.

She was so thankful for those and for the amazing flowers he sent her on Monday, he truly made her feel treasured.
It took her breath away that he would do something so personal.

It was Thursday already and as the days went, she felt like she was fitting in with her department and other departments very comfortably and the feeling was great.

She heard her phone vibrate in her drawer, so she slid it opened and read the text.  It was Roan!

Would you come see me right now if you're not busy? By the way you look stunning today!

He was too sweet! 

Sienna was wearing a high waisted black pencil skirt with a white silk blouse and her black heels, knowing he loved how she looked in skirts.  She'd done it for him.

Closing her door, she texted him back quickly.

On my way and you are making me blush!

Her phone pinged back right away.

You are beautiful when you blush.

Roan made her feel like she was in high school again, squealing quietly, she smiled as she headed for the elevator.

"Good morning Kathleen!" She said sweetly, smiling at Roan's assistant.

"Good morning dear. Go on in. He's expecting you" she said smiling.

She told Kathleen thank you and walked into her boss's office.  Roan looked very handsome and professional sitting at his desk and she couldn't help the errant thoughts of him bending her over said desk, having his way with her.

"Ms. Harper thanks for coming down. Would you shut the door please?"

After shutting the door, Sienna turned around and Roan was right there, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her to his body, giving her the sweetest kiss, and leaving her breathless.

Touching her lips, she said "Wow, where did that come from?"

He smiled and said just because. "And I've missed you" he whispered.

Sienna grinned at him. "I've kind of missed you too." She said playing with him.

"Well the reason I asked you here was our annual Addison Tech ball is in two weeks and I want you to be my plus one" he stated.

Wow!  That floored Sienna, that he would want to be so visible about their relationship.

"Roan I would love to but aren't you concerned about appearances?"  Sienna couldn't help be worried about how it would look.

He shook his head. "There is nothing in our company handbook that says no fraternization, my dad had it written up that way and I want the most beautiful woman on my arm that night."

She was excited and accepted with gusto, also he mentioned to her that it was black tie, so it was going to be chic and elegant.

She was so excited, she couldn't wait to tell Lisbeth, knowing what it would mean.

They would go dress shopping that weekend and it would be like old times, sisters spending the day together, laughing and talking like they did in high school.
Sienna looked forever until she finally found an elegant black lace evening gown and matching clutch, it would go great with the black lace heels that she already owned and then she gave thought to how she would fix her hair.

An up do would be tres chic and elegant and when paired with a little more dramatic make up, she would be ready for a night on the town.

Lisbeth's dress was sleeveless and backless dove gray in color and with her coloring, it would come across as exotic looking, because she could wear any color and make it look good and after seeing the dress on, they decided that Sienna's Manolo Blahniks would make it pop.

After they had lunch, they got mani pedis and by the time they got back home, Sienna was tired and decided to call it an early night.

She spent a little more time with her sister, and the. Lisbeth went off to meet Cade while Sienna said she had a date with her bed.

She had just gotten all comfy, when there was a persistent knocking on her door and it took forever for her to drag herself to the door to look out the peep hole, and boy did she get a surprise!  It was Roan!

Due to her lack of dress, she opened the door but stood behind it, because all she had on was a flimsy tank shirt and thong.

Once he was safely inside, she closed the door and locked it, turned to face Roan when she realized he had other ideas.

"Roan is everything..." Sienna didn't get to finish because his mouth crashed into hers, devouring her lips.

"I'm sorry to just show up like this" he said breathlessly, running his fingers through his hair. "But I wanted to see you" he finished.

She answered him with a kiss back, making it pretty hard, and ending by gently pulling on his bottom lip.

A sexy groan escaped his lips. "That is so hot" he husked.

"Make love to me."  She begged, so he picked her up, telling her to wrap her legs around his waist while he carried her into the bedroom.

They were already breathless from kissing, when he crawled onto the bed and laid her down, kicked off his shoes and pulled the covers up around them.

They were laying on their sides, facing each other, when Sienna positioned her leg over his hip forcing him to pull it tight against him, the roughness of his jeans rubbing against her sex gave her much needed friction.

Grabbing at his shirt, she ripped it off and he followed suit with hers, rolling her over so she was on top of him, she gyrated her hips against his shaft.

Skin on skin combined with the pressure against her sex, she couldn't help the voluntary motions her hips were making by grinding into him.

"Oh baby" she moaned as that familiar feeling started to build up, even though he wasn't inside her yet, but it brought her to edge and she was ready to go over.

With each movement she made against him, he suddenly rolled them back over so he was on top.  Sienna groaned with disappointment as he put her insecurity to rest.

"Patience Si" he said softly. "It will be worth it" he promised as she wiggled out of her panties, while he sat up, unfastened his jeans and got them off with lightning speed.

Lowering himself to her, he started kissing her recklessly while positioning himself at her entrance and sank slowly into her sex, his jaw slack with raw emotion.

"Oh it doesn't take your body long to get ready for me. I love it" he said, pumping into her.

Encircling his hips with her legs, he brought her to the heights that she needed to fall from, arching her back and crying out his name as she climaxed, leaving him to fall next.

She loved how he folded her into him when they were being intimate, it felt amazing and wonderful.

She felt his lips lightly brushing her naked shoulder, whispering how much he enjoyed her body and the things she let him do to her.

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